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"I know why." I say, Reeva spins around to me. "Why?" Reeva asks, "He and Lauren have bond because of their power, I believe they share dreams as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if their combined full power is stronger than mine, even if my powers are at their peak." I say.

-Time Skip & John's POV-

"Eve?" I ask, "I saw her, she was watching it go down." Marcos says. "Did she have a slight bump on her stomach?" Caitlyn asks, Marcos nods. I rub my temples, shit, I made her life harder. "Why?" Marcos asks.

"No reason." Clarice answers, I stand up, and leave. I punch a piece of metal, "Eve, I'm sorry." I whisper, and slide down on the wall. I rest my face in my hands, I can't believe I'm going to be a father. One question keeps coming up in my mind, why didn't she tell me?

-Time Skip-

"John, I wanna ask you a question, it's about Eve." Caitlyn says, "Close the door." I say. Caitlyn does what I asked, "Are you the father of Eve's unborn child?" Caitlyn asks. "Yeah, I slept with her. How did you know?" I say.

"It was your reaction to when I asked Marcos that question." Caitlyn says.

-Time Skip-

"And what about Eve Blackwood?" Jace asks, Eve is here? "She left as well." I answer, I hear a crash, Jace shoots me again. One of the side walls break down, Eve steps through the rubble. I grin slightly.

She glares at Jace, he turns, and bolts. Eve walks over to me, and crouches in front of me. "Hey handsome." She says, and burns through my bindings. I get up, and hug her. I bury my face in her hair, "Oh, how I missed you." I say.

Eve hugs me back, "I missed you to, Johnny." She says. "Eve, did you get pregnant from that night?" I ask, "Yes." She mutters into to my chest. I kiss her head, I sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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