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I stare at Sonya's grave, "I could have saved her." I mutter to myself. I sense John look over at me.

John POV

I gaze at Eve, she's taking Sonya's death pretty hard. I understand that they were friends, but why?

-Time Skip-

I walk to Eve's room, she had a portal open, it was the house she formerly lived in. I walk through it, it closes right behind me. I sit by her on the bed, Eve looks me in the eyes. "John, did Esme tell you about my past?" She asks.

"Yeah, she said you were in The Brotherhood, and killed some people. Why didn't you tell me?" I say, "You guys would kick me out, and I didn't want to lose another family." Eve answers. I look at her confused, what did she mean by that last part?

"My mutation kicked in when I was five, my parents were mutants like me. My mutation is a combination of both of theirs, I had a brother too. Like Andy, I had bullies when I was younger. I guess one day I finally cracked, and that's when my mutation first appeared. I hurt those girls, and I guess their parents called Sentinel Services on me. I-I was scared when they appeared, my parents tried to fight back, but ended up dying. They then shot my younger brother, assuming he carried the X-Gene as well, he did, he was only 4. I killed a lot of the Sentinel Services guys out of grief, I had to bury my family by myself, no funeral. I joined The Brotherhood because I wanted revenge for my family, they didn't deserve that, I was also wanted by Sentinel Services. I realized what I was doing was wrong after the 7/15 incident, so I left that life. You found me soon after that, when he shot Sonya, I just couldn't handle the grief of loosing my friend." Eve confesses.

She has been keeping that bottled up for so long, "John, if there was one thing you could do, what would it be?" Eve asks. Now or never I guess, "I would tell the girl I love how I felt about her." I answer.

"Oh, who is this girl?" Eve asks, I smirk, "I believe I just told her." I say. I notice the blush that creeps up on her face, I rest my hand on hers. I close the small gap between us, and finally kiss[^^] the women I fell for since the first time I saw her.

Eve seemed surprised at first, but kisses back. I part from her, and look into her blue-green eyes that I loved. I can't suppress this feeling anymore, I kiss her again, but a bit more hungrily. I can feel her smirk. 

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