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By the end of the day Patrick's incapable of getting Pete off his mind which is getting really annoying. There's definitely worse people to be thinking about but it's just inconvenient. When he has a bunch of work to do having his mind stuck on wanting to lick Pete's tattoos isn't the best.

When he sees Pete walking out of the building after school Patrick takes a breath and runs after him. Pete doesn't seem at all surprised when Patrick noses his way under his arm and holds him close.

They walk out of school together then Pete smirks down at his little blond "So what're we gonna get up to cutie?" "Anything you want" "Hm I like the sound of that, why don't you take me to your house?" "My grandparents shouldn't be home for a couple of hours so we can hang out there I guess" "Good boy"

Pete was planning to just smoke away the afternoon but this is way better. The fact that Patrick found him and asked to do something with him is the best thing ever. Even if Pete wasn't in the mood he'd go with it anyway just to get as much time as possible to win Patrick over. The blonds been so hard to get close to so Pete will take any opportunity he gets.

As they start walking Patrick's pretty quiet and awkward but he gets more comfortable over time. As they get further away from school and away from everyone they know he gets much happier. By the time they get to Patrick's house the blonds clinging onto Pete's hand and almost skipping along. Seeing him so happy really warms Pete's heart so the dark haired boy feels very content. It's not often he feels totally at home and comfortable in his skin but he feels it with Patrick in that moment.

When they get to Patrick's house the blond quickly lets Pete in but then seems to loose most of his confidence. He shuffles his feet a little until Pete takes his hand again "Wanna go to your room?" "Yeah ok, I didn't really think this through sorry" "Aw look at you being all shy" "Fuck off I'm just not used to this" "There's my little bitch boy, I've missed him"

Patrick gently smacks Pete's hand then leads him upstairs to his bedroom. As Pete expected from the super nice house Patrick's got a pretty awesome bedroom. His bed takes up at least half the room and the walls are coated in posters and racks of CDs and vinyls. It's so adorably Patrick that Pete can't help loving it straight away. It feels like he's been thrown straight into Patrick's brain and it's somewhere he wouldn't mind staying in forever.

The blond watches Pete check everything out then flops back onto his bed so Pete quickly joins him. Patrick lying on his bed looking cute and ready to be ruined is impossible to resist.

When Pete climbs onto his bed Patrick watches him with a smirk before practically leaping on him. It's so unexpected that all Pete can do is let Patrick tackle him down and enjoy it. By the time Patrick's got him pinned down Pete's fully hard and knows he can feel it but Patrick doesn't seem to mind.

Once Pete's pinned down Patrick giggles and grinds down against him once before getting off. Pete lies there stunned before jumping up and pulling Patrick into his arms. Before he does anything stupid Pete pushes his face into Patrick's neck and moans softly "Fuck you're incredible, holy fucking shit"

Patrick moans softly too so Pete pulls back and looks at him desperately "Are you gonna do something about this?" "It's not my problem, you'll have to fix yourself up on your own or just suffer"

Pete could see that coming but it physically hurts to pull himself away from Patrick. Desperately he kisses Patrick's neck once more before practically sprinting to the bathroom. It only takes him a couple of minutes with his hand down his pants before he finishes himself off then goes back to his nerd.

Patrick's sitting out on the tiny balcony attached to his room so Pete joins him and dangles his feet over the edge. He's lazy and happy after the orgasm so he rests his head on Patrick's shoulder and sighs "Today's been a good fucking day" "It really has, you're kind of a piece of shit but you're a wonderful piece of shit" "Wow thanks nerd, what a compliment" "You're welcome dipshit, always happy to help" "Is it cool if I smoke?" "Yeah I don't care" "You smoke?" "I've never tried it, I kind of want to though"

Now Pete's even happier that he chose such a perfect boy so he pulls out his cigarettes and easily lights one up. Patrick cuddles close to him while he smokes it then looks up when he fumbles for another "Can I try one?" "Sure baby, if you get hooked you'll have to buy your own though" "Yeah yeah whatever, just give me one you chicken shit"

At this point Patrick seems to only really be insulting him out of habit than actually wanting to do it and it's pretty cute. He eagerly takes the cigarette he's given then let's Pete light it for him. Pete's always had a kink for smoking with hot boys and now he finally gets to life out the fantasies.

Once Pete's lit it he guides Patrick's hand up to his mouth and watches him take in a breath. Immediately Patrick starts coughing so Pete gently pats the blonds back. Once the blonds composed himself he tries a couple more times but chokes every time. Eventually Patrick huffs and hands the cigarette to Pete and glares while he easily breathes in the smoke.

Even though Patrick's very cute when he's pouty Pete doesn't want him to be grumpy. Easily he takes a breath of smoke then leans over to gently blow it in the blonds face. Patrick moans softly and leans forward, begging for more which Pete's more than happy to give. He finishes off two more cigarettes, occasionally stopping to blow smoke in Patrick's face. It's kind of weird and Pete definitely didn't think he'd like it but the blonds really just full of surprises.

After the second cigarette Pete starts to reach for another but he's stopped by Patrick's lips on his. It's their first kiss and the first proper sign that Patrick's actually into him so Pete enthusiastically responds. He wraps his arms around the smaller boys waist to pull him into his lap and deepen the kiss. They make out deeply until Patrick pulls back and rests his head against the tattooed boys shoulder while panting.

Pete gives him a second to compose himself before stroking the back of the blonds head and whispering "What a slut, was that your first kiss?" That earns him a hard jab in the ribs and Patrick growls "No it fucking wasn't you cunt" into his shoulder.

When Pete opens his mouth to tease him some more Patrick quickly shuts him up with another kiss. Pete would be more than happy to stay there kissing his cute little nerd all day but eventually Patrick pulls back.

Patrick was so confident kissing him but as soon as he pulls away he goes shy and quiet. It's still so weird to see Patrick not being loud and feisty so it confuses Pete a little but it's very cute. He definitely wouldn't want it all the time but having a couple of moments of silence can be nice.

After a couple of seconds of silence Pete reaches over to take Patrick's hand "You're a really good kisser baby" "Thanks" "You're not gonna say anything about me?" "You're... You're the first guy I've kissed" "Guess I'm automatically the best then" "Yeah I guess you must be" "You ok? Where'd my little bitch go?" "Shut up"

Patrick's staring at their joined hands so Pete watches his face, waiting for him to talk. Pete's spent more than enough time chasing after the blond so if Patrick wants something he'll have to ask. Pete refuses to beg for Patrick's opinion or approval, it's Patrick's turn to show that he actually wants this.

It's a long time before the blond finds anything to say and when he does Pete really wishes he hadn't. "This was a mistake" "Mistake?" "Yeah, I shouldn't have let you come here, you should go" "I don't get a fucking explanation or anything?" "No, I think you should go, please just leave Pete"

This is the most frustrating thing because Pete worked so hard to get Patrick comfortable with him and now it's ruined. He doesn't even know what he did but he's getting kicked out like a useless street whore.

He's definitely not going to stay to plead with Patrick so Pete grabs his bag and storms out. Patrick follows behind him, trying to stutter out excuses but the punk ignores him. If he's going to act like a little bitch right after they made out Pete doesn't have time for his bullshit.

At the door of Patrick's house Pete turns around and glares at the nerd "I'm leaving like you wanted me to, if you sort your shit out come talk to me tomorrow otherwise fuck off. I've gone all of high school without needing friends so I don't need to put up with a bitchy nerd who can't make up his mind"

Patrick's silent after that so Pete stamps out, feeling very satisfied by the way the door slams behind him. He's feeling a little guilty for loosing his temper so fast but Patrick can't really blame him. Hopefully the blond will get his shit in order by tomorrow because Pete definitely wants more kissing but doesn't want this drama.

Escapism (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now