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When Patrick wakes up the next morning he's confused for a second before memories come crashing down on him. He doesn't remember all of yesterday but he remembers enough to make his cheeks burn of shame. It all started off so good with them smoking and kissing and fucking around but by the end it was a mess. If there was a perfect way to drive Pete away, getting drunk and telling him humiliating secrets would definitely be it.

Patrick doesn't even notice the note Pete left him for a while but when he sees it he's even more embarrassed. All it says is that Pete put Patrick to bed then went home and that they need to talk but that says more than enough. Their friendship was kind of weird and shaky to begin with and there's no doubt in Patrick's mind that it's over now.

Patrick mopes all morning then when he gets to school he's completely lost in his sadness. He doesn't even notice Pete coming over to him until the tattooed boy slips his hand into the blonds.

Neither of them speak as they find somewhere private but once they're there Pete gives Patrick a gentle kiss. "Hey baby, you ok?" "Yes" "Hungover?" "No" "That's good" "It is, are you ok?" "I'm good"

The conversation is so weird and awkward and makes Patrick feel terrible. Yesterday they could joke around and insult each other and just talk but now it's like an awkward first date. He knows it's all his fault and the shame boiling inside him gets even worse.

Pete watches the nerd for a few seconds before leaning in and giving him another kiss. Yesterday was so overwhelming and he can't say he hated it but it isn't something he's fully comfortable with. They could have a big talk about Patrick's problems and get all sappy or they could ignore it and go back to how it was before. Easily Pete chooses the second option but promises himself he'll deal with all this shit eventually.

Before Patrick brings up the issue the dark haired boy flashes him a smile "You're acting real weird this morning, want me to kiss it out of you?" "I'm not acting weird" "Yeah you are you weirdo, come here, none of this nonsense allowed in my good Christian brothel"

That gets a laugh out of the blond and he lets Pete kiss him again, this time reciprocating. Carefully Pete slips his hands under Patrick's shirt to rest on his hips then when the blonds caught up in kissing, he attacks. When Pete starts tickling him Patrick shrieks and tries to pull away but the dark haired boy holds onto him tight.

Once Patrick's breathless from giggling and shrieking Pete lets him go and takes the barrage of punches. Patrick hits him until he's caught his breath then huffs "You're a bully" "I know baby" "I hate you dick head" "I know you do, I hate you too"

Things seem to be mostly back to normal so when Patrick goes weird and quiet again Pete internally groans. He doesn't want to be a dick but he really just wants to tell Patrick to forget about yesterday and not start shit.

Eventually Patrick reaches over to take Pete's hand and whispers "Are you mad at me?" "Of course not dumbass" "I'm really sorry for yesterday" "It's fine, just forget about it" "I can't, I told you so much stuff and acted like an idiot and I hate myself for it" "Just don't, I don't care what happened" "But I-" "No ok Patrick, none of it matters to me. If you really want to talk about this shit we can but I don't think we need to, do you want to?"

Patrick bites his lip and shakes his head so Pete bumps his shoulder "Come on you dork, if neither of us think we need to whys it an issue?" "I don't know" "Exactly, let's just keep doing what we've always done, everything's all good" "You sure" "Totally sure" "I got drunk and acted like an idiot so I-" "I don't care pretty boy, I smoke myself to death every day so I'm the last person who can say shit about your drinking problem"

Patrick starts to argue it's not a problem but must realise how stupid that is and gives up. Instead he grabs Pete's hand and nods "Ok then, if you say everything's good then everything's good" "That's what I wanna hear"

Escapism (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now