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I may or may not have cried just a little bit while writing this chapter but shush none of y'all can prove anything


Patrick's been on a high for days and he never ever wants to come down. He never believed any of the bullshit about how sex changes you but it seems like it might actually be true.

Having sex with Pete was the most amazing thing he's ever done and he wishes he never had to stop. Sure it was a little awkward and painful at first but it was still mind blowing. He doesn't know if Pete feels the same way but he really really hopes he does.

They haven't really talked about it but Pete seems even more into him than before so he must have liked it. Even if it wasn't quite as good as what he expected he still lost his virginity to Patrick, that has to mean something.

In the week since they did it nothing's really changed but Patrick's feelings have gotten so much deeper. As much as he tried to push them down he has to admit he's crazy about Pete and can't hide it.

They're planning to go to another party that night so Patrick's made another plan. This time though instead of planning to get Pete's dick he's planning how to confess his feelings. It's what he's been trying to avoid since they met but now he has to admit there's no other options. He can't keep his feelings hidden away anymore, he has to just let them out no matter what consequences there are.

Maybe if Pete does feel the same they can have sex again and it'll be even more amazing than last time. Even if Pete doesn't feel the same Patrick still wants more of him and he'll take what he can get. Being wrapped in Pete's arms while the tattooed boys buried deep inside him is probably as close as he'll ever get to being loved. It's depressing but it's just a fact that Patrick has to accept and try to enjoy.

Now that he's made up his mind he's determined to do it. At the party he might drink a bit but definitely doesn't want either of them too drunk or high. If he's going to make a terrifying declaration he at least wants them both to be sane and remember it tomorrow.

When Pete turns up at Patrick's window like always Patrick's ready to go. He easily climbs down and grabs onto Pete's hand, so ready for tonight.

He's so nervous the entire ride there so he can't help having a couple of drinks to ease his nerves. Once he's suitably tipsy he returns to his favourite hobby of dancing with Pete while they make out.

Everything's going absolutely perfect until Pete's pulled away from him. Patrick's ready to cuss out whoever dared take Pete but then sees Brendon clinging onto the tattooed boy and stops. He likes Brendon but he really wanted time with Pete. He knows they had that last week so the dealers probably missing his friend but it still feels so unfair.

The three of them dance for a while before Brendon starts pulling Pete away and Patrick awkwardly follows. He's never felt so left out before but that goes away quickly when Pete looks back and grabs onto his hand. Even if Brendon might not want him there Pete does and that's all that really matters to the blond.

Once they get outside Brendon pulls out a box of smokes and waves them "I haven't got any weed at the moment so you sluts will have to have this instead"

Easily he lights one and hands it to Pete then lights another and twirls it between his fingers "You want it blondie?" "Nah I like sharing Pete's" "That's no fucking fun" "It's so much fun, smoking is so boring if you don't have a hot guy to do it with"

Escapism (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now