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Patrick spends the afternoon panicking about his new found feelings for Pete but Pete spends it on a natural high. The orgasm Patrick gave him was pretty epic and accepting his feelings for the blond made him very happy. He'll never get all soppy and admit them or ask Patrick out but accepting the fact they're there feels great.

When Pete gets home he's still in a great mood so he can't even bring himself to be sad when he gets a text. It's from his old dealer who he hasn't talked to in months but he's in such a good mood that he happily replies.

Pete met Brendon a couple of years ago and when he got hooked on weed Brendon supplied him with as much as he wanted. Pete was only 15 so instead of bothering to steal money or anything, they had a much nicer way to do it. In exchange for as much weed as he could smoke Pete sucked Brendon off whenever he asked. It was a pretty nice agreement until Pete got sick of spending every day high off his ass and stopped smoking weed. That ended with a huge argument and both of them ended up with black eyes before never speaking to each other again.

Getting a text from Brendon's super weird but he doesn't seem angry anymore so Pete has no worries. They were pretty close before the argument and it feels nice to get Brendon back. He was probably the closest friend Pete had before Patrick so he did miss him quite a lot.

They talk all afternoon so it feels like it's back to old times again. Pete tells Brendon about Patrick and the dealers super cool about it. Obviously he doesn't expect things to go back to the way they were but Pete's happy to just have a friendship.

After a few hours of talking Brendon tells Pete about a party he's going to and invites him along. Pete hasn't gone to anything like that since he stopped talking to Brendon but it's hard to resist. Usually there's tons of free alcohol and drugs so Pete could definitely have a good time. He never planned to take up weed again but the thought of doing it occasionally is a very attractive thought.

When he asks Brendon if it's cool for him and Patrick to come the dealers super excited and agrees immediately. As soon as he says it's cool Pete shoves his phone in his pocket and climbs out the window. Pete's long given up asking his parents for anything so sneaking out is a quicker and easier way to get things done. This is far from his first time doing this so the tattooed boy finds the spare car key then drives off before his parents notice.

Outside Patrick's house he considers just honking the horn until the blond comes down but realises it won't work. His grandparents are probably home and there's no way Patrick would be allowed to come. Instead he parks a couple of houses down then sneaks into their lawn. There's no way in hell he's climbing up to Patrick's window so instead he does the cliche thing and throws rocks.

Eventually Patrick gets pissed off by the rocks hitting his window and opens it ready to yell but stops when he sees Pete. "What the fuck dude? Why're you here? You can't be here" "Wanna come get drunk with me?" "What the fuck? Can't it wait?" "My old friend asked me to a party, let's go"

Even from a story below him Pete can see the struggle on Patrick's face. He obviously loves the idea of getting drunk and high with Pete but he's probably never snuck out before.

Pete lets Patrick struggle for a bit then gets ready for an argument when Patrick starts climbing out. The dark haired boy watches in shock as Patrick shimmies his way down the side of the house then lands in front of him. With a smile the blond boy takes Pete's hand "Where are we off to?" "Fuck really?" "Fuck yeah, let's get stupid"

Patrick's even more perfect for him than Pete ever thought so he leads Patrick to his car without anymore arguing. Patrick adorably sings along to the radio the whole way there so Pete's smiling like an idiot.

Escapism (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now