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Patrick's putting his books back in his locker at the start of lunch when he feels arms around him and lips against his neck. He jumps in fright but relaxes when Pete whispers in his ear "Baby come with me".

Its unexpected but Patrick would be straight up lying if he said he wasn't happy about it. Easily he spins around and loops his arms around Pete's neck teasingly "Why should I?" "I need you" "Need me huh? What naughty things are you wanting me to do?" "I've run out of smokes so I'm gonna go buy more and I want you to come with me" "You want me to help you buy illegal stuff?" "It's not illegal they're just cigarettes" "You're 17" "I buy them at a shitty corner store that doesn't care, come on babe, we'll have fun"

Patrick gives Pete a sceptical look but nods easily "Ok let's go" "You wanna smoke with me again?" "Nah I'm really shit at it, I wouldn't mind kissing you after you do though" "Oh really? That didn't go well last time" "I'm sorry, I'll be better this time" "It's ok you weirdo, as long as you don't run off I promise it'll be fucking awesome"

The two walk to the corner store Pete usually buys from then Pete stops outside. He bumps Patrick's shoulder with his then let's go of the blonds hand despite loving holding it. "Stay out here ok? I'll be back in a minute" "You suck, making me walk all the way here with you then leaving me outside like a dog" "Shut up you drama queen, you look really young so you won't be able to pass as 18 like I can. I promise I'll be back as fast as possible then I'll give you a good time"

Patrick pokes his tongue out at Pete but nods and pulls out his phone to pass the time. He's half way through a candy crush level when Pete comes back with 5 packs of cigarettes. It gets an eyebrow raise from the blond but he's seen enough of Pete's smoking habits to know it's far from casual. Maybe at some point Patrick will ask about it but for now he's happy to just accept it.

As they walk back to school Pete lights a cigarette and Patrick watches him smoke it. He's always thought smoking was pretty hot and that's definitely true when it comes to Pete. He doesn't do anything different from everyone else who smokes but Patrick's just infatuated with him. Seeing a guy he's into lazily smoke while holding his hand is almost too much for Patrick. It's strange and overwhelming but Patrick hopes it never has to end.

Even though Patrick's really trying to deny it he has to admit he definitely has a crush on Pete. He's not making any decisions about his sexuality but he's happy to admit he's into at least one guy. Pete seems like the kind of guy who doesn't care about labels anyway so there's no rush for Patrick to figure it out. Pete will probably just be happy to keep messing around with him and help him work out exactly what he's into. Its definitely an exciting thought and Patrick's not in any hurry to figure anything out if it means Pete will stay longer.

When they get back to school Pete leads Patrick behind the school so the blond goes along with him. When they get to Pete's favourite private spot he sits down on the ground and looks up at Patrick.

Patrick's wearing his favourite jeans so he bites his lip and looks down at Pete. "You want me to ruin my pants by sitting on the ground with you?" "Yeah I do, don't be a priss, I'm supposed to be the fancy lady in this relationship" "Well I guess we've gotta swap roles then" "My pretty little lady, if you're really gonna be that much of a priss you can sit on my lap"

Pete's smirking when he says it and obviously isn't serious about it but Patrick smiles and sits down in his lap. It takes a couple of seconds of shuffling for them both to get comfortable but eventually they settle against each other. Pete easily loops his arms around Patrick's waist and Patrick rests an arm around the punks shoulders. Neither of them are huge fans of it but they can both agree it is kind of nice.

When Pete lights up another cigarette he's in the perfect place to blow it in Patrick's face. Patrick moans softly when Pete does it and leans forward eagerly for more.

They smoke the whole cigarette that way then Pete gives Patrick a lazy smile. He's always pretty chill and easy going but he gets even more so when he's been smoking. He's done harder drugs and had way stronger highs but he always likes the faint high from cigarettes. Lately he's also starting to get addicted to the high he gets from being with Patrick which is surprising but so much fun.

When Patrick leans in for a kiss Pete kisses back eagerly, pulling the blond closer to deepen the kiss. Their tongues twirl together and they explore each other's mouths until they hear footsteps.

Patrick pulls away frantically but Pete gives him another gentle peck on the lips to tell him not to worry. The punk looks over Patrick's shoulder and scowls when he sees who's there. He barely knows the guy but he's seen him once before, pushing Patrick into a locker.

Pete's on the verge of getting up and starting a fight but Patrick shakes his head and leans down to whisper "Don't Pete, I'm not letting you fight"

Loosing his temper doesn't happen a lot but Pete's not good at pulling himself back together when it does happen. Instead of doing something stupid he lets Patrick keep whispering reassurance to him while he calms down. Usually being around anyone makes him more annoyed but Patrick's soft voice has the opposite effect. The more Patrick talks the more Pete relaxes so he half wishes the blond boy would never stop.

The guy sees them after a couple of seconds and quickly walks away so Pete can relax fully. He hates bullies and would be more than happy to fight one if he had the chance, especially for Patrick. If the nerd doesn't want that though he'll do his best to try to hold back but no promises.

Once the guys out of sight Patrick gives Pete a cheeky smile and taps his nose with a single finger "Aw were you gonna be a good little gentleman and throw some punches for me" "Of course pretty boy, I'd throw them all for you" "Gonna be my little knight protecter?" "If that's what you want of course I will"

Patrick giggles softly and leans in to continue the conversation their tongues were having before they were interrupted. When the bell goes they're both annoyed but Patrick never ditches so he gets to his feet reluctantly. Spending the rest of the school day kissing Pete sounds like a dream but he knows he can't. Making out and smoking with Pete in school is already slightly more than he's comfortable with so he's not gonna push it.

Pete doesn't seem to have a plan to move so Patrick rolls his eyes and kicks the punks thigh "I'm going to class, you plan to move?" "Nah I'm just gonna smoke the rest for this pack" "You're so useless, have fun with that" "I'll have a fucking great time, you sure you can't stay?" "I'm not a lazy ass like you, I'll see you tomorrow, try not to smoke yourself to death or I'll be sad" "Just sad?" "I'll be mother fucking heartbroken baby, I don't know what I'd ever do without you"

Pete flashes his middle finger at the blond who returns it then blows him a kiss before walking off. Lazily Pete watches Patrick's cute little ass walk off then settles down to do exactly what he told Patrick he would.

Escapism (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now