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Yoongi's night had been pretty crap. He'd been stuck at a party all night, dragged along by some friend who had promptly got smashed and was now probably getting laid.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was completely sober and now sitting outside to escape the loud noise and drunk people.

"Think fast!" Someone yelled out before he was pushed. Yoongi watched as the water in the pool grew closer and closer, and all he could think of was that this was a crappy end to a crappy night.

Which seemed fitting.

Taehyung laughed, too drunk to realise the guy he'd just pushed was sinking and not coming up. He hadn't meant to cause any harm, just the little voice that came out when he was drunk had told it would be funny if he pushed him. And it was.

Until the man surfaced briefly.

"You idiot!" He yelled out, going under for a second. "I can't swim."

"Huh?" Slowly, Taehyung was sobering.

"I can't swim for God's sake!" Taehyung gasped, bringing his hands up to his head.

"That guy can't swim! What am I going to do?" He muttered to himself. "I have to save him!"

Taehyung took this as an opportunity to take his shirt off and promptly did so. He then dived into the water and swam to where Yoongi was slowly sinking to the bottom. He wrapped his arms under Yoongi's armpits and began to kick back up to the surface.

The pair both gasped as they broke the surface, Yoongi coughing and spitting out water while Taehyung swam to the edge of the pool. As soon as he was able to climb up to the safety of land, Yoongi left Taehyung, who climbed out a few seconds after.

"You idiot! I could've drowned!" Yoongi snapped as soon as he'd recovered. Taehyung was still a bit out of it so he didn't have the sense to run away while he was still in one piece.

"We're at a pool party! Who comes to a pool party when they can't swim??" Taehyung responded.

"I was dragged here by a friend." Yoongi was going to continue to argue with Taehyung, but another drunk person decided to join in on the fun.

"JOHN CENAAAA!!!" He yelled as he tackled Yoongi into the water. Taehyung laughed, still drunk, before remembering that Yoongi couldn't swim.

"Oh no!" He quickly dived in to save Yoongi for the second time that night.

He felt pretty good about himself.


Yoongi coughed as someone blew air into his mouth. His eyes shot open, revealing someone's face incredibly close to his own. In fact, it was so close their lips were touching... quite intimately...

"What the heck are you doing??" Yoongi exclaimed, pushing Taehyung away, who had innocently been performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

"I was saving you... You were drowning..." Yoongi aggressively wiped his mouth with his arm as he glared at Taehyung. "I had to give you CPR..."

"I swear, next time I see Hoseok, I'm going to kill him!" Yoongi yelled as he got up.

"I heard my name?" Hoseok appeared, dripping wet. Yoongi frowned as he stared at him, before his eyes widened and realisation dawned on him.

"You pushed me in the water!" He exclaimed and Hoseok ran away, realising if he wanted to live he'd have to escape Yoongi. Taehyung frowned slightly as he watched the pair running around.

"Hey, no running around the pool!" He yelled out suddenly. The pair ignored him. "Hey!"

Taehyung sighed as he stared at them, crossing his arms. Yoongi and Hoseok continued to run around, and Taehyung just stood there, waiting for one of them to fall in.

"Why am I the only responsible person here?"


"You know, for someone who can't swim, you certainly hang around water a lot." Taehyung said as he sat on the edge of the public pool, next to where Yoongi was standing in the water.

"I can stand in water, you know. I just can't swim." He replied. "And are you stalking me? Because I swear, you're everywhere I go."

"No, I'm just a lifeguard here." Taehyung said, gesturing at the pool.

"Then shouldn't you be focussing on life guarding and not on me?"

"No, my shift's over. See?" Taehyung pointed over at where another lifeguard stood. He was getting a lot of stares from the girls, but that was probably because he was shirtless and had some pretty impressive abs.

"Oh... Okay..." Yoongi waded around in a circle, staring down at the water. Taehyung dipped his feet into the water, kicking gently.

"Have you ever thought of getting swimming lessons?" Taehyung asked, breaking the silence that'd fallen between. Yoongi stopped moving and looked up at him.

"Yes. They never worked." Yoongi huffed. "I just can't swim."

"Hey, why don't you try, just once? For me?" Taehyung attempted to pull a cute face, which although it was cute, all it earned was a glare from Yoongi. "I'm a lifeguard, I can give you a few pointers and see what you're doing wrong."

"It's pointless, I just can't swim." Taehyung continued to pull the cute face, making Yoongi. "Fine, I'll show you..."

Yoongi then attempted to swim while Taehyung watched. Slowly, Yoongi sunk to the bottom before he splashed back up to the surface, gasping for air.

Taehyung was silent for a few moments.

"Your stroke is flawless, you just sink to the bottom..." He said eventually.

"See? I told you I can't swim!" Yoongi pouted as he shook his head, flicking water everywhere. "Now my hair is wet..."

"I'm going to become your swimming teacher!" Taehyung said suddenly.

"What? No, I don't need a-"

"I will teach you how to swim, if it's the last thing I do!" Taehyung made a determined face, while Yoongi just shook his head.

"I don't need a swimming teacher!"

"Every week, I want you to meet me here, and I'll teach you how to swim." Taehyung continued, completely ignoring Yoongi.

"What part of-"

"Sounds like a plan!" Yoongi just groaned, wishing there was another pool he could go to.

Or at least a different life guard...




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