Chapter 7

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There I was a complete mess and him of all people standing over me,his sword stained with blood.I look down avoiding eye contact.Of all times why now?They're following us aren't they?

"Wheres the other one?"I feel a rough hand on my chin,my head is lifted to face him.My eyes slowly open.I stare at him in fear,wait why am I so afraid.........I have a weapon.I can defend myself so why am I so afraid.Those eyes,they paralyze me every time I glance at them."hey answer me"Does he mean Mina?I shouldn't answer him.No....Mina wouldn't want me to."What are you talking about?"I swallow hard and keeps my eyes on his swords handle,if his hands grab the handle I'll cut his head off.Ill kill every single one of them,and I won't feel bad,I won't trip over their corpses.No...I'll look down at them and smile.I won't feel guilty for killing them.I move my hand slowly to the handle of my sword."I wouldn't if I were you night child"My eyes widen at his statement,night child?So he does know what I am."then why'd you let me go in Riften then"My heart pounds loudly in my ears drowning out every sound."I can't kill anyone I'm that city because they support us.Now little vampire I'll give you a head start"He smirks letting go of my chin.I stand up and draw my sword."bring it on.Im ready"I take a deep breathe and think of my parents,if they are truly dead and they killed them then I'll punish them for it.He steps close and the buzzing sound of metal gliding in the air rings in my ears.I quickly deflects the heavy blow and a loud cling gets the attention of the civilians who stood around us watching every move.

I swing fast,a loud ooh comes from the crowd as my sword makes contact with his wrist almost cutting it off.I stagger to dodge his rage attacks but one cuts my leg and the warm blood runs down.I tighten my grip on the handle and swing as hard as I can with all the remaining strength I have left and I hear a blood curdling scream.Gushes of blood pours out from his stump.he falls to his knees and as soon as I get prepared to deliver the final blow I hear my name."KATŌ!Stop!"I look over my shoulder to see Mina running towards me.I sniff in the sweet smell of the crimson liquid."Katō step away from him before you do something you will regret!"But she couldn't stop what was going to happen I couldn't control myself the smell it's just so..........good.I bend his head to the side and soon taste the delicious liquid,as people start screaming and running away I hear arrows buzzing past me.Why can't I stop?!Stop Katō stop!Your not a monster stop!!I yell but it's no use,it's too late.

I let go of his lifeless body,and realize what I've done.I cover my mouth in disgust,why can't I stop?Why am I doomed to be overcome with this hunger,I don't want to but I lose control and can never stop.I feel something jerk me to the side and I see an arrow glide right I'm front of my eyes.I look to see Mina in tears screaming at me but I don't hear anything,my visions blurry.I look down and see a dark green liquid come from my wound on my leg.Tck smart bastard poisoned his sword.I feel my body hit the ground hard a blood puddle forming around me.Just before my vision ceases I get one last glimpse at Mina who is struggling to get free from a guards grasp.Then the world fades....

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