Chapter 29

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I feel a hand on my shoulder"Ben are you ok?".I look up at him and I can't help but gag."oh god I don't think I can eat this......"I whisper to him through my teeth and trying to keep myself from puking.But the thought of the mushy texture of the crunchy loaf makes my stomach churn.And then comes the gagging.I hear a woman shriek and the sweet smell of blood fills my lungs and my vision turns bright white and all the blinding lights swirling around make it hard for me to focus.I cover my eyes and wait for the hunger to pass but it gets worse."Ben we should go now"I look up at him tears stinging my eyes from the taste of the bread and the overwhelming urge to drink the sweet,sweet crimson rain dripping onto the floor ticking like a clock until I break.Every tick and Tock of the blood I can feel my fangs brushing against my lips begging to feel the rush of blood passing by and the honey taste washing over my tongue.Katō keeps a firm grip on my shoulders but I can tell he's struggling,I'm much stronger and I can feel his grip loosening.
I pull away from his arms and start to trace the sent.My mouth watering with every sniff pushing me closer to the cliff.I stop right at the edge,if I fall over I'll lose control of myself but I'll be satisfied.I can't believe I'm actually debating this.......I'm not a monster I shouldn't be thinking about the warm.......delicious yet repulsive liquid.Why couldn't he let me stay dead,just to say sorry?No...this is some form of revenge I bet,he wants me to sink into his fake friendly tone and trust him.And as soon as I turn my back he'll strike.......that's fine but two can play that game and I'll be waiting.
////////////////Katō's P.O.V.////////////////
I stand there,hand on Ben's muscular shoulder,he looks up at me and a pang of guilt strikes me hard.I didn't think he'd be miserable like this but I'm not sure whether or not I should have brought him back or not.When I look past that friendly smile I see my fate sealed in his bloody hands.Forgiveness is something I'm afraid he doesn't possess.And it frightens me that such power and strength could be carried in a humans body even before he was brought back.I may have been stronger and faster but he was fearless and acted as if I was a common man.He frightened me even when I had lost my way and was sinking in my own despair.I hope he trusts me,I can't say sorry enough for what I did but he seems to have forgiven me.Maybe he's not like the other nords,maybe he can forgive and forget.I force his chin back upward"Ben snap out of it"he blinks and just stares into the distance deep in thought.I shake him and he gets to his feet and shakes his head.His eyes turn back to steel blue.The grief envelopes over my heart squeezing it till it pops.The look in his eyes......I see Mina in those cold steel eyes.The same look Mina had when she burned and now Ben wears it upon his own.Is this punishment for my actions?Are the gods punishing me through him?Or perhaps has my thread been cut.......and by his hate...the gods want justice and I'm not sure if he will deliver it or my father will.I will make sure to keep Ben astray from that path,I'd rather die killing my father.I shake the he won't be like that he's changed.He won't betray me he's an ally now.
/////////////////Ben's P.O.V./////////////////
I walk over back to the bar and sit down.I clench my fists,blood starts to stain the brown leather.I feel like my head is on fire and the only thing that can extinguish it is blood.Trying to block it out with pain just makes it stronger,the urge weighing heavy on me like a weight on my back,slowly crushing me.I can't wait until this is over and right there after that bastards dad is dead I'll let him turn around to see my sword pierce his damned heart.I'll let him know I did it and I'll stand over him and laugh at him just us he did to my pain.I'll make sure he suffers.Just like I did.I will get revenge even if I die's worth it.

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