Chapter 19

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          I open the heavy iron doors,a heavy creaking sound escalates as the hinges scrape against eachother.Cold air rushes through my hair.A man stands in the center of the room,a war hammer on his back.Across his face,a faint pink scar right below the eye and one eye completely white.This meant he was blind and to be honest it was hard not to stare.He looks me up and down his low voice shaking the ground"what is it you need boy?Huh?Whats your story?"His eyes linger on my right hand."I lost my fingers to a vampire.I will serve as a soldier of Dawnguard as long as I get to pry his little head off his stringy body"His expression relaxes"welcome to Dawnguard.Theres a few crossbows laying around,pick one up and some bolts and we'll begin"
//////////////Katō's P.O.V.//////////////////
         I sit in my throne and beside me my father his posture perfectly angled.Back strait and the sense of superiority shining on his face.I can't wait to tear all those mortals apart.
Limb from limb.I will paint this world with their blood."son relax......we will rid of those filthy mice soon enough"I look up into his bright orange eyes an eerie look to them.I hesitate but push the words out of my mouth"where is mother?"His muscle tense as the words come out.I see anger flash behind his orange iris."she decided to betray us my dear son...but don't worry I'm going to punish her for what she's done"What does he mean betray?And what has she done?The smell of blood hangs thick in the air.I hear the sound of flesh ripping,muscles being pulled from the bone and the squishing sounds of the organs.The screams cracking glass.Pure agony tearing away their hope,their faith.All the mice know to do is scream and cry and plead for mercy......trying to bargain their service in exchange for their life.Their screeching voices echoing in anguish.Mercy,helplessness,over and over the different deaths.Each one a different last word,drowned out by more screams.Glass shattering screams.I cover my ears to shield them from the banshee screams.I feel a rough hand take my hands off my ears and once again the screams fill my ears.I look to see who it was my father.What happened while I was gone?I don't want to kill all the humans it's not their fault Mina died.Its no ones,shit happens all the time.To other people but they move on.I need to move on,or am I too far gone?I get up and cower away from the man I once thought was my father.His expression frightening........I shouldn't have come home.He's not the man I knew he is not my father.He grabs my shoulders"Katō don't.............don't back away from your father"
"Your not my father"I choke out holding back tears.
////////////////Ben's P.O.V./////////////////
           I grab the wooden crossbow,the elegant surface gently grazing my fingertips.The cool steel on the top holding a small steel bolt.
"Now straighten your back,it causes you to be able to still your muscles.Even with your dominant finger on your dominant hand gone and the other on your left it's still possible.Although I don't think you could hold a sword but you can use the sides of the bow like one.No relax and let it fly"I take a deep breath,I focus my eyes on my target"Chanel all your anger and your rage into making that bolt hitting your target and no matter what don't miss"I force myself to flash back to the moment I looked at my hands since that fight,how he easily took that away from me.How he smiled at my pain and suffering.Well I'm going to smile down at him,at his agony...........and all I'll do is smile....I out my middle finger on the trigger.I glare at the hay dummy and the image of him shows In front of me.I pull it and the sling makes a long clang as the bolt flys,cutting through the air and piercing the dummy in the drawn on eye spot."excellent aiming skills.....tell me who taught you?"I hesitate before answering"my anger did"He stands there awhile looking straight into my eyes,as if he was reading my mind."you'll do great.So what's that on your back?"I reach over my shoulder and pull the scroll out.His eyes trail down to the scroll and his eyes light up with satisfaction."my my my I never thought we'd get ahold of this"He grips it tightly and pulls it from my hands."can you read it?"I chuckle at his question"if I could read it I wouldn't have let you have it"He looks up from the scroll"why do you say that?"
"Whatever secrets the scroll has the vamps were desperate to get their claws on"His expression intensifies"good answer"

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