wish you were gay

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A/N: In this imagine the song belongs to Y/N. Also i have nothing against Billie and Q's relationship I just needed to use him for this imagine

"So this next song I just recently wrote and finished producing, I wasn't going to play it but I feel like it sums up everything I'm feeling right now. Before I start this song I just want to say it's not suppose to be offensive in ANYWAY possible. So this is...wish you were gay" Y/N said sitting on the stole set out on the stage

baby i don't feel so good
six word you never understood
i'll never let you go
five word you'll never say

"O'CONELL'S I'M HERE" Y/N yelled throughout Billie's house as she closed the door behind her

"In here" Y/N heard Patrick yell throughout the house as Y/N walked towards the living room to see Billie's parents, Finneas, and Claudia laying on the couch watching T.V.

"Hey, where's Billie?" Y/N asked giving everyone a hug

"She's up in her room and refuses to come out" Maggie said as Y/N looked around the room as Finneas gave her a nod towards the other room

"Alright i'll go try to get her out" Y/N said following Finneas to the next room

"I don't know what's wrong with her but she won't talk to me. We where in the studio writing and everything was going good until all of a sudden she broke down crying and said she wanted to go home. When we got here she went upstairs and locked herself in there. She wouldn't even come down for dinner" Finneas said looking helpless

"It's gonna be okay i'll go talk to her" Y/N said patting Finneas shoulder as he walked back to the living room

Y/N walked in the kitchen to see Billie's plate sitting on the counter. Y/N put it in the microwave to let it warm up before grabbing something to drink and bringing it up to Billie's room.

"Open the door" Y/N said kicking the door lightly as both of her hands where full

Billie opened the door as the red lights filled the hallway. She stared at Y/N for a little while before opening the door wider to let her in. Once Y/N set Billie's food on the bed and juice on the nightstand she took off her shoes and got under the covers.

"Here you go so you can eat and then you can tell me what's wrong" Y/N said as Billie got back in bed next to her

"No i'm okay" Billie said barely above a whisper

"You should know that's not gonna fly with me" Y/N said setting the plate down before handing her a spoonful of food

"Open up" Y/N said in a stern voice kinda scaring Billie cause she's never gotten stern with her before

Billie slowly started eating while Y/N fed her. Once she finished Y/N set everything to the side waiting for Billie to start talking.

"So are you gonna start talking or am i gonna have to force it out of you?" Y/N asked laying down

"I don't know what happened just one second we where recording and the next everything just hit me and i couldn't stop crying" Billie said as tears rolled down her face

"What hit you?" Y/N asked leaning against her arm

"The stress of making the album and it not being what everyone wants. I think i'm just nervous because it's so different from everything i've ever made and i'm afraid no one will like it or relate to it" Billie said through her cry's

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