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Ever since quarantine started Billie had decided to take this time and use it for a much needed break

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Ever since quarantine started Billie had decided to take this time and use it for a much needed break. She's taking a break from social media to spend time with her family and close friends only going on social media if it's to spread awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement (go sign a fucking petition or donate something!).

When quarantine started Y/N was on her Spring Break from college and flew down to visit Billie for the week. That week turned into 2 more weeks before having to fly back to college and move out. Because of the strict flying rules Y/N has been taking shelter at the O'Connal family's house finishing off her Freshman year of college online. Only expecting it to be for another week Y/N didn't pay it any mind until that extra week turned into 3 months. Now Y/N's practically living with the O'Connal family (taking Finneas "spot"as he moved out before all this happened) and hasn't seen any of her family besides through a computer screen in 7 months.

Billie feeling bad she hasn't been as active with her fans since quarantine happened she decided to bring back the radio show with a little spin doing it with her father instead of Finneas. Y/N loved Groupies Have Feelings Too , it's what got her through her time being apart from Billie for so long, and was sad when she found out they were gonna stop making episodes. Y/N remembered all the days she used to walking in on Finneas and Billie filming the show and sat in the back getting to listen to they talk about their childhood and funny moments.

This time was like no other, while Patrick and Billie got everything ready to start filming the first episode of me & dad radio. Y/N sat down beside them getting some work done for her internship.

As they started recording Y/N didn't really pay them any mind and continued to work on her laptop she felt Shark climb into her lap falling asleep while letting out loud snores. Y/N looked up just as Billie and Patrick took off their headphones, muting their mics as a song played.

Just as Y/N was about to go back to her work Billie's hand came into her view shutting her computer causing Y/N to look at her in shock.

"I was working!" Y/N said moving Billie's hand to try and open the computer back up

"No! you have been working since 8 this morning and I haven't seen you take not one break yet" Billie said grabbing Y/N's laptop

"I have to finish editing my part before sending them in" Y/N whined trying to grab her computer, Y/N got an internship working for a small company editing videos and working their social media. For the last couple days Y/N has been working on a group project. Everyone in the group was assigned a part to edit before sending there parts in to be reviewed. When Y/N gets into her work it can be really hard to pull her away. Sometimes it's gets so bad she forgets to eat or look away from her computer.

"Come here" Billie pouted grabbing Y/N's arm pulling her onto Billie's lap, Y/N wrapped her arms around Billie's neck laying her head down on her shoulder as Billie swayed them back and forth in the chair

"Do you know how proud I am of you?" Billie asked twisting Y/N's curly hair around her finger

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked chuckling

"This year has not been easy on any of us and you've manage to get through it and help me along the way. This year was supposed to be the year we could finally do whatever we want and not have to worry about you going to school the next day or what test you had coming up. We were supposed to live it up and celebrate you graduating and starting college. I know this hasn't been the ideal year but i'm glad i have you to spend this quarantine with" Billie said as Y/N let out a chuckle

"I know it's been hard with you being away from your family and missing them. Also getting thrown into our crazy family mix and this is the first time we've been practically living with each other longer then a week. But i'm just so proud of us for continuing to make it through this. It's been hard seeing people that have been in a relationship for a long time not be able to make it through this rough patch but having you with me makes everyday better" Billie said kissing Y/N's forehead as she started tearing up

"Aww baby don't cry" Billie said chuckling wiping her tears

"You always know how to say the right things in such crazy time. You are literally my gift from God" Y/N said leaning up to give Billie a kiss, Just as Y/N pulled away Patrick tapped on his headphone signaling its time for them to get back on. Y/N moved to start getting off Billie's lap as she felt Billie tightening her arms around Y/N's waist not letting her move as she push the mic closer to her.

Y/N already comfortable and not wanting to move decided to just stay there for a little while longer. As she scrolled through twitter retweeting reminders to tune into the radio show Y/N notice her name being mentioned in a bunch of tweets. Clicking on her on the most recent tweets she saw it was from a fan tweeting about the radio show.


BILLIE IS THE CUTEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!!!! she forgot to mute her mic. If you listen closely you can hear her talking to @y/ny/l/n and thanking her for helping her get through quarantine 🥺🥰😭😍
*video attached*





please adopt me 🥺

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Just as the next song came on Billie took her headphones off as Y/N made sure Billie's mic was muted before showing her the tweet. Y/N watched Billie as she read the tweet waiting for her reaction. All of a sudden Billie broke out into a smile as her face started turning red in embarrassment that everyone heard what she said.

a/n: i've missed you guys so much and i miss Billie so why not upload something while we are all in this crazy time

also i have a youtube channel so i've been focusing a lot on that BUT i just messed up my computer and have to get it checked out on Friday so i have some free time to get back into writing

QOTD: how everyones upcoming school year looking?

Answer: my schools doing all online this semester

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