valentines day

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"Good morning guys and happy valentine's day! as you can tell by the title of this video

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"Good morning guys and happy valentine's day! as you can tell by the title of this video. I will be surprising Billie. Well I already surprised her" Y/N said as Billie popped her head in waving at the camera from beside Y/N

"But in this video I surprised this lovely lady, so i hope you guys like it" Y/N said

"She did really good, I was super surprised, enjoy the video" Billie said before covering the camera

The video started out with Y/N waving at the camera with words saying good morning before switching to Y/N laying in bed.

"I have been very busy with work and so has Billie so it's been a while since I last saw her and it just doesn't feel right not being with her on Valentine's day so...i'm gonna surprise her" Y/N whispered into the camera

"If you guys are wondering why i'm whispering it's because of this" Y/N trailed off turning the camera to show her niece Layla laying beside her

"So my sister Giovanna agreed to fly to LA and house sit for me while I'm visiting Billie because I don't feel comfortable putting Teddy in a daycare" Y/N said flipping the camera to show her dog laying on the floor

"So i'm babysitting until she wakes up but Layla should be waking up soon so let's go make her a bottle" Y/N said picking up the camera and Layla heading towards the living room. Y/N set the camera up while making Layla a bottle before sitting on the couch to feed her

"So the plan is I have to start getting ready because my flight leaves at 1. I was planning on doing this surprise all on my own but Billie's a pretty busy girl So I called Mama Maggie and got some eyes on the inside" Y/N said chuckling

"When I land they should be stopping to get some food before heading to the venue so i'm gonna get an Uber to wherever they're eating and hide out in the car and surprise her" Y/N said just as Layla started getting fussy

"Alright guys I have to go" Y/N said turning the camera off

At the airport

"Okay guys so I just landed and I called an uber, I was texting mama Maggie and she said they are at a Chipotle so when we get there I will call her to come out" Y/N said before the montage of the car ride came up

"So I just text Maggie and she said she's heading out now so she can open the door for me....they're she is" Y/N said flipping the camera towards Maggie who was walking towards Y/N

"Hi guys!" Maggie said waving at the camera

"What did you tell her?" Y/N asked

"I told her the food was for one of the workers and I left my bag in the car" Maggie said laughing as she opened the door to let Y/N before handing her the food

"Thank you" Y/N said giving Maggie a hug before locking the doors setting the camera up

"I'm so nervous! i've never surprised someone before. What I think i'm gonna do is hide in the back because they always keep random stuff there and I do know for a fact Billie always puts something in the trunk and has to grab it later" Y/N explained while eating before speeding up the footage of her playing music and dancing around

"So Mama just texted me and said they're heading back so i'm gonna get in the trunk now" Y/N said popping the trunk before running out the car to throw away her trash and getting in the back pulling all the blankets and stuff over her 

The clip changed to Billie opening the trunk and throwing something in the back. Before it cut to Y/N from the beginning of the video with Billie laying on her chest

"So right here I was trying so hard not to laugh because I knew Billie opened the trunk and I wanted to scare her but whatever she threw in the back hit my head. I was trying so hard not to laugh" Y/N said as Billie started laughing

"What was it that you threw in the back?" Y/N asked looking down at Billie

"My bag" Billie said laughing

"Whats in the bag?" Y/N yelled

"Just a bunch of different shit but if i'm not mistaken I had my speaker in there that day" Billie said laughing

"That's probably what hit my head" Y/N said laughing at Billie started laughing

"Okay back to the video" Y/N said as the video went back to the car

Billie looked around before closing the trunk and getting in the back seat. Once Y/N heard all the doors close and the car start up she was gonna pop up when she heard Billie talking.

"Why's there a camera in here?" Billie asked

"The crew wanted us to put it in here for the video" Maggie said as Billie nodded her head, once everything calmed down again Y/N popped up so she was directly behind Billie as words on the screen popped up that said 'Thank You Mama Maggie'

The rest of the car ride was Y/N jamming out to the music behind Billie who still had no idea Y/N was behind her. The car came to a stop as everyone got out before opening the trunk. Once Y/N started feeling someone feel around she popped up throwing the blanket off as she screamed.

"Oh my god!" Billie screamed before staring at Y/N in shocked

"Happy Valentine's day" Y/N said climbing out the back to see Maggie recording and all the fans watching them

"Aww" Everyone cheered as Y/N got out the trunk giving Billie a hug who still wasn't moving because she was still in shocked. It wasn't until Y/N gave her a hug she started crying as everyone laughed at her

"Baby don't cry!" Y/N said chuckling as she wiped Billie tears before giving her a kiss on the head

"Yay!" Maggie cheered handing Y/N her camera

"You knew!" Billie yelled letting go of Y/N to turn towards her mom while Y/N and everyone filmed

"Why'd you think I had to go to the car?" Maggie asked laughing as Y/N went around giving everyone a hug

The video cut to little clips of the concert before switching to Y/N and Billie laying in bed

"I hope you guys liked the video!, I would say we got her pretty good" Y/N said showing Billie who was shaking her head

"I will see you guys in my next video bye" Y/N said before the video ended

a/n:. I got this video idea from Hannah Meloche he's vlog which i'll link below here's the video

tour just started!!!! i'm so excited, I get to see Billie for the first time on March 19 but i hope it doesn't get cancelled with this coronavirus going around i'll cry 😭

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