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The coffee shop is excessively busy for an early Friday morning. Every table is full with people ranging in age and size, it's a controlled chaos. The only things keeping this overpriced coffee shop from bursting at the seams are the simple laws of the universe, it's strange how the universe has kept the world from complete destruction to this point and yet we as humans are still so fearful of it. When did the universe ever become something to fear when it's entire existence relies on us being alive to witness it?

"Hello, what can I get for you?" I force a weak smile as a tall man walks to lean on the counter. He is no younger than me but doesn't seem to be the same age as Jimin, however his height and masculine face give him added years.

"Uh, a red eye please, over ice." He smiles brightly handing me a sleek, matte black debit card. The exchange of words stops as my attention focuses on the digital screen in front of me. "Sorry, this might sound strange but do you happen to go to the Art's Academy?"

My eyes look up for second as I nod before returning to the screen. I hand his card and receipt back to him, but he stays at the counter a perplexed look on his face.

"You just look really familiar." He is staring at me now. My heartbeat is rattling in my ears as more adrenalin seeps into my bloodstream.

"I'm majoring in Studio Arts." My voice is quiet in comparison to the collective chatter erupting around us.

His hands clap together, his face is relieved. "You're in my Intro ceramics class. Asteria right?"

I look to my chest to see my name tag missing, my mind adds the small tasks of finding it to my to do list. A small, forced laugh leaves through my nose as I nod my head slowly. I feel bad that I am mentally praying for another customer to walk in so he will leave me alone.

"I'm Ahn. Sorry this was probably really weird, I promise I'm not hitting on you I just don't know how to keep my thoughts to myself." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly and I smile.

"It's alright, but I should probably start making your drink if either of us want to be on time to our morning classes." I push myself away from the counter as I begin preparing his drink. Thankfully his order is one of the easiest things to make on the menu so I finish within a few minutes.

Placing his drink on the counter in front of him he thanks me as the next employee walks through the door. I'm eager to rid my body of the awful bleach washed black apron and grab my school bag from below the counter. The sooner I get to class the sooner I can pester Yun about her girlfriend.

"Are you going back to campus?" Ahn's voice appears beside me as he opens the cafe door for us to exit. My lack of response sends him into an awkward panic. "I-I mean, I promise I'm not a creep I came here to get coffee then go back to school. I have morning classes as well."

I'm just nodding as he talks, a small humored smile forming on my lips. His inability to look me in the eyes makes the situation all the more humorous, his cheeks are also red with embarrassment.

"Walk to school with me then." I said before walking in front of him. I could hear his footsteps shuffle to catch up with me before we were left in synchronized silence. "What's your major?"

"Animation. I'm in the game and interactive media course." His words are full of excitement as he speaks of his education. "I have an internship at Phantagram. Right now I'm just the coffee kid but- sorry I'm rambling again."

"It's fine, I asked you a question to get to know you better. A little rambling is just more information that I can use to determine whether or not you're a creep." I smile jokingly at him and he returns it with a flustered laugh.

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