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The light from the two large windows was almost blinding. I didn't dare look at the time because I knew I'd be disappointed in myself. It was Sunday so thankfully I wasn't forced to go to any classes after my emotionally exhausting night. But I still had to face the small blonde headed girl sleeping in the bed beside me.

When I finally gained enough of my conscious to sit up Vega wasn't asleep in her bed. Jadu was kicking in her litter box in the corner of the room until she noticed me awake. With a soft meow she jumped back onto the scratchy bed comforter. Her head rubbed against my cheek before rolling into a circle on my lap. She purred at my presence making me smile.

I scratched at my head as Vega walked back into the room. She had a plastic bag filled with food from the Seven Eleven right across campus.

"Good morning cat smuggler." Her voice was brighter than I've ever heard.

"Good morning." I gently pushed Jadu off my legs allowing myself to slide off my bed and onto the floor. Vega and I sat across from us, a plastic bin in between us as a makeshift table.

"I brought food." She pulled out two bottles of water before placing bowls of ramen beside them. "I also snagged some rice and kimchi from the cantene downstairs."

Her smile was warm as she looked at me. Her eyes were searching mine, waiting for me approval from me. As soon as I thanked her she seemed to glow, like me being thankful for her was suddenly the only thing to bring her happiness.

"I'll pour the water." In the corner of our room we had a water heater. I had never noticed it until now. Vega sat on her knees as she filled the ramen containers with the steaming liquid. She was careful not to spill them as she shuffled back to our table. Jadu was already pawing at my feet begging for some.

"Thank you for buying us food." I smiled at her. My body was still waking up so I'm sure my smile looked sleepy.

"Of course. I figured that whatever made you voluntarily want to live with me must have been bad, and morning ramen always makes me feel better." She was mixing her ramen now, even though it was obviously not ready to stir. "Plus I think you and I need to get to know each other."

"Oh, yeah." I pushed Jadu away from my feet before pulling them under me. "What do you want to know?"

"What made you leave? Was it your dad?" She took a large bite of rice after she spoke.

"Yeah." My voice was quite while I moved some rice onto the top of my ramen, using the paper cover as a plate. "He and I see the world differently. He kept some information away from me about our family, information I've wanted to know my entire life."

She looked at me with a soft expression. She was intent on listen to everything and anything I had to say. "I won't ask about your family stuff, maybe one day you'll feel okay enough to tell me."

"Yeah," I tried to smile. "Maybe."

"What's her name?" Vega looked down at the calico cat. Jadu had given up trying to get food from me so she was now pestering Vega.

"Jadu." I scooped the rice into my mouth before opening my ramen. The steam poured out, hitting my face. I let the heat kiss my skin as I stirred the cheap yet delicious noodles. My first meal moved out is ramen, how ironic.

"Jadu like plum? Like the fruit?" Vega held the cat in her arms, allowing her to nuzzle into her neck and purr loudly.


"Well I asked you a question. Your turn." I looked down at my noodles. I don't know what I want to know. I also don't know if my one question is appropriate or not. "Ask anything, don't worry I'm not offended easily."

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