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The last time I was in the busy downtown area it was christmas time. Everywhere I looked there was red and green, sparkling lights, and seemingly happy people. But now, months later and a new year, everything looked and felt so different.

The air outside was cold and the only heat seemed to come from the distant sun. People looked tired as the longed for summer to start, as if the heated weather would somehow make their lives better. No children ran around the stores I past and there was no excitement about the old buildings surrounding me.

When I reached the old metal stairs I part of me threatened to run away. It'd be so easy to just leave, I could avoid Yoongi and Vega, I'd just ignore Yun. But I couldn't, my mind was far to curious. If I didn't find out whatever Yoongi's mother had to tell me I'd spend the rest of my life wondering.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I whispered to myself as I took the first step. But as soon as I reached the top of the staircase all those thoughts of fear seemed to vanish. I passed the old pizza shop that was filled with noisy teenagers as usual, and then the foul smelling bar that only ever had the same two old men in it.

My feet didn't pause as I was met with the smell of sugar. I walked straight into the shop, as if it was like any other day the bell rang above me and small footsteps could be heard coming from the back room behind the counter. When Mrs. Min saw me her eyes held a look I couldn't quite comprehend. It was like a look a proud mother gives as their child does something independently.

We both sat at the same table I always sit at. Her hands were wrapped around a small cup of hot chocolate for she hates coffee. Before I could forget I reached into my small bag, inside was a small picture I had painted her. I place the small canvas onto the table sliding it across to her.

"I said I'd paint you a picture of the stars, this one is actually worthy of hanging up in your back room." My voice sounded distant in my ears. I watched her pick the painting up, it's small size looked so much larger in her tiny hands. Her eyes watered as she placed a hand over her heart.

"Oh my dear Asteria it's beautiful." She studies the gift for a second longer, her smile never leaving her face, before looking up at me. Her hands placed the painting beside us before taking mine into hers tenderly. "Yoongi said that you would come see me."

"He said you'd know what to tell me, about whatever is going on." I sounded frustrated. I was.

Everything was all too quickly changing it's meaning. Drawing was my escape, I thought my ability to create the human body on paper and canvas was a blessing and in the matter of four months it's beginning to be a curse. The faces I draw haunt me.

"I know things are becoming confusing." She sighed. I stared at her, taking in the familiar chiseled jaw and elegantly defined cheekbones I've drawn so many times before. "Your father and I always hoped this day wouldn't come, or he wished."

"Wait," I pulled my hands away from hers. "You know my father?"

The look of disappointment splashed across her face. "Asteria there isn't a way I can sugar coat this, but you're an adult now. Your father and I used to love one another, we got pregnant, we had you." Her eyes could no longer keep her tears trapped. "But I already had a son, Yoongi. After a some months, you were nearly a year old, your father saw something in me that he hated and he hated what I am far more than he loved me."

I watched as she spoke. Her words were painfully clear to me and I wanted to be angry. I didn't know how to feel, my thoughts couldn't settle. I couldn't calm my chaotic mind enough to even form words. I sat dumbfounded in front of the woman I've known my whole life as the nice ice cream shop owner, only to 20 years later discover that nice woman to be my mother.

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