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Taehyung's house was small and quiet. It blended into all the houses around it, I wouldn't have given it any thought if I saw the house any other day. But with Yoongi's picture still burning in my back pocket the house held a stronger power.

I feel gullible, because maybe the drawing of the girl isn't really her and it's just someone who happens to look similar. I want so badly to believe that, I've told myself over and over that the girl from my dreams isn't the moonchild. I told myself so many times I even started to believe it. But that facade is all over now, because the picture that is sitting snug in the back pocket of my jeans is Yoongi without a doubt.

My hand is slightly hidden in the sleeve of my hoodie while I knock on the white door. It only takes a few seconds for it to open revealing the tall man from work, the one with the silky deep voice. His lips tug up into a large smile, it completely distracts from the intimidating height and build of his body.

"Asteria, please come in darling." He opens the door wider allowing my body to slip past his. The inside of his home is much like the outside, it's quiet and ordinary. "Everyone is in the living room, I'll show you."

His voice is like honey, I can only nod as he looks at me. There's a smirk played on his lips as he looks over my face, like he knows something I don't.

"What?" My voice lacks the confidence my body is trying to display.

"You don't have to be so nervous around me." He tilted his head while running his tongue across his lower lip.

"I'm not nervous." He flattens his lips into a line before nodding.

"Sure you aren't darling. Come on, the party is waiting for us." He turned around quickly, his long legs carrying him through the hallway. He held power in his walk, each stride held noticeable confidence. He was intimidating, of course I was nervous.

The living room was filled with bodies, all their backs facing us as we entered the room. A group of five were seated next to each other on a red leather couch while the other three were seated on the floor, their backs leaning against the couch.

I was surprised to see the news channel playing from the television in front of them, I was even more surprised at how attentive they all were to the usually boring channel.

"You made it!" Vega smiled wide from her spot in between Jimin's legs. I sat on a small love seat beside the couch, trying my best to avoid making eye contact with any of the men sitting in front of me. "Everyone this is Asteria, I believe a few of you already know her."

Her tone of voice became animated while nudging Jimin with her elbow. He looked at me gently yet intensely. There was silence in his eyes and a small smirk on his lips as our eyes met. In this moment I wish I wasn't such a useless introvert. I don't have the confidence to look away from him the long lasting eye contact only seems to boost his.

"We haven't." Seated next to Jungkook is a broad shouldered man with soft facial features. He's pretty in a very masculine way, his lips are round and full complementing his sharp jaw. "My name is Seokjin, a pleasure to meet you."

His voice is easy on the ears, every word is pronounced clean and perfect and his voice is at a volume just above a whisper yet it carries throughout the room.

"Asteria." Our hands shake briefly.

"And I am Namjoon, this is Hoseok." Namjoon is tall with a warm smile. I recognize Hoseok from the coffee shop with Yoongi but I don't say anything. I realize then as well that the shy boy I for some reason couldn't recognize with Taehyung was Jungkook. Namjoon shushes the already quiet group, refocusing us on the television screen.

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