Chapter 1

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Amina (pov)

"Wake up sweetie... it's almost 12 in the afternoon" my mother said shaking me from my beauty sleep. "Mom 5 more minutes" while I grab my pillow and pulled it over my head. "Amina Asylynn Conaway, it's a beautiful day, and your in here wasting it away."

uggh my mom is one of those mom that wants you to enjoy the beauty of what nature has to offer, instead of being on the phone cooped up in the house all day. She shook me once again.. harder this time.. " okay okay I'm up" with my hands up surrendering. She just laughed. Can you believe this woman, first she wakes me from my beauty sleep. Then she laughs.. giving my mom a kissed on ther cheeks, I then headed to the bathroom for my morning routine. Or should i say afternoon routine.

Heading to the kitchen I found my mother and father at the table ready for lunch? Oh yeah I slept through breakfast. "Good morning daddy" giving him a bear hug, I look at him, and he had a confused face? "You mean good afternoon" my dad corrected me. All I could do was giggle.

My dad is 6'3 and have muscle, alot, he always have a serious face on, if you didn't know him, you'd probably be scared of him, but if you know him, you'll know my father is the most sweetest guy, with such a big heart, but don't get on his bad side, he can be one mean alpha. My mother is 5'9 with beautiful brown hair to her shoulder, she is kind, beautiful, and like my father has the biggest heart, she'll light up a room with just her smile. I am truly blessed by the moon goddess.

After lunch I decided to do what my mother said.. enjoy the beautiful day.. I decided to drag my bestfriend Cassandra to enjoy the day with me. We decided to let our wolf out for a run. Cassie was a beautiful girl, 5'9, she had sandy blonde hair, shoulder length, beautiful emerald eye. Her wolf was a sandy blonde wolf with emerald eyes.

As for me I'm 5'8 with long brown/ black hair, and brown eyes. My wolf was a white wolf with black ears, paws, and a little black at the tip of the tail. (Okay i know you might think white wolf she's magical, but nope white wolf was just a normal wolf, its rare but nothing special about us) we're both 18 years old, and haven't found our mates. One day I'll find my handsome knight in shining Armor.

Hey Amina.. my wolf lynn (as in Ashlynn, yup my middle name is her name, actually that's all werewolves) said while we're chasing after Cassie, damn that girl is fast. Yes Lynn, what's up you sound on edge girl. I responded. I'm not sure why i feel this way, but i feel like something is gonna happen, just keep your guards up. "Okay" was my response.

The run was great, Cassie and I decided to go to the packhouse to see everyone, and fuel our energy back up with food. You see the packhouse was open for everyone that was in our pack to move in. But if as pack member wanted there own house, or privacy they had their own place, they call home. Like my family, it's just momma, daddy and I, which means I'm an only child, which also I'll be next in line to be Alpha, only once daddy is retired, or decide I'm ready to be alpha, But I'm in no rush.

I do have my own room in the packhouse as well. Our pack consist of about 350 werewolves, but that's actually small compared to other packs. We were one of those peaceful pack. We had alliances, but we try to stay neutral.

Walking in ther packhouse we were greeted by my father's beta.. Joseph, he smiled and gave Cassie a hug, Oops I forgot to mention my bestfriend is the beta daughter. She also have an older brother named Kieran 23 and future beta. "Where you headed pops" Cassie ask her father. "Pack business sweetie, see you later at home" waving goodbye to the both of us.

"Weird my pops been working alot lately, wonder what 'pack business' got him so overwhelmed" Cassie said out loud, "now that you mention it, my dad been busy too, today was the first time in a week that I've seen him home having lunch" I found myself saying outloud. We decided to brush it off headed to the kitchen. Grabbing some cookies, and stuffing our face. We thank Gladis (Our chief in her 50s) and headed to ther game room where our friends were.

"You fuckin cheated" George said after losing to me in mortal kombat 11, "How can I cheat in this game stupid, stop being a sore loser, and admit you lost to a girl" was my response while sticking my tounge out at him. I know I'm being childish, haha. "Amina you cheated and I'm not admitting to anything, you stinkin cheater" while he flip the middle finger at me. That asshole. I got up ready to throw the control at him but Cassie came in the middle of us shaking her head. "You guys know its a fuckin game right" she lift her eyebrows up with a grin. She's always the peace maker. We continue playing the Ps4 till it was dinner time.

We decided to have dinner at the packhouse. So our mother would have a day off. "Hey are you gonna go home or stay at the packhouse tonight" cassie ask me. "I don't know, how bout you" I ask back. Then we both look up at each other squeal, and scream "slumber party". Got my room in the packhouse ready with junk food, and Netflix on, I had one of ther biggest room in the packhouse, perks of being the Alpha daughter. We both got in our blankets, and got ready to watch season 2 of on my block. Tonight was gonna be a great night... so I thought.

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