Chapter 21

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Kingston (pov)

Since I left the office early last night. I was well rested. Last night I decided I need to fight this mate bond. I can't fall in love with her, she'll only make me weak. I need to keep reminding myself what happened with my father and mother. I can't fall in love with her.

She's not your mother Kingston, and your not your father, you need to move on. Mate wouldn't hurt us, you need to give her a chance. My wolf Kai said. Alright, just one chance. I replied. While Kai is jumping up in down. Making me smile. "good morning alpha. Amina is here and need clearance", a pack guard mind link me. "Let her in", i mind link back. I sat in bed for a couple of minutes, then headed to the bathroom to shower.

I walked in the packhouse ready to talk to Amina, couldn't find her in the kitchen. "Noah, Cassie, where's Amina?" I question. "She was here just a second ago, maybe she went outside" Cassie replied. I went outside and followed her scent. What I saw hurt my wolf. She was whispering something with her hands over Cody mouth.

"What the fuck is going on here" I yelled out. They both turned around, and Amina hands drop to from Cody mouth, they both had guilt in there eyes. "Nothing alpha, just speaking to the lun- Oww!" He said glaring at Amina. I was to livid, I didn't even hear what he said. "Am I interrupting something" I growled. "No! your not alpha," Amina said stomping away from me.

"Don't fuckin walk away from me when I'm talking to you," I said following behind her. I then yank her wrist hard pulling her towards me. "I said don't fuckin walk away from me when I'm talking to you," repeating myself. I couldn't think stright anymore. All that ran through my mind was, what my mother did to my father, all the pain and suffering I went through.. 

"YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME, IN MY PACK HOUSE ROUGE!!" I roared. Then I heard a blood curdling scream after,  "KINGSTON STOP PLEASE" she screamed. Snapping me back to my senses. I let go of her arm, while she fell to the floor on  her knees crying, cradling her broken wrist.  What the fuck have I done.
My wolf Kai was angry, he took over and i did nothing to stop him.

I stood there for a couple minutes, and realized she was gone. I followed her scent to the infirmary. I see Noah talking to the pack doctor, and second's later i hear Cassie screamed out "Noah, I think she's having a panic attack!", I instantly ran towards my mate, she was trying to breathe, "please breathe love" was all i could say, before she passed out.

"Where the fuck are all the fuckin doctors at?" I yelled out. Then i see our pack doctor, and nurses running towards my mate and I. He rushed my mate inside one of the rooms. I decided to follow in. He grab my mate,  then put the oxygen mask on her, and started examining my mates wrist, which i can see clearly is purple and blue, bent in a weird angle. I Furiously growled, making everyone shake with their head bowed and neck out, showing me they submit to me. I think the whole pack heard me.

"Alpha I need to examine her, with you here, it's a little harder, please wait outside," I did what I was told and walked out. Then I see Cody here, that made my blood boil. Why the fuck is he here? My wolf instantly wanted to take over and rip his head off. Before anyone can say anything,  i stormed out the infirmary. Shifting into my wolf form,  I let kai take over. We ran for half an hour, before Noah mind link, "Alpha Amina is fine and awake now." I didn't say anything. I just headed to the infirmary. 

I walked in and the laughing came to a stop. Everyone was still here, even Ethan and his mate Jess was here. They were looking at me with a disappointed faces, except for one.. Amina, she was staring shooting daggers at me. I cleared my throat "Ahem, could everyone leave,  I need to speak to Cody and Amina. Alone", I stated.

Everyone slowly making there way out the room except for Cassie. She glared at me for a second, i returned that glare with a glare of my own, ready to use my alpha tone. "Babe. Maybe we should leave for a little." Noah said. "Fine," she turned to Amina, "if you need me I'll be right outside A," she said smiling at Amina, then stomping out of the room.

"you guys mind telling me what happened" I asked calmly,  although Kai was going crazy, trying to rip Cody head off. Amina just stared out the window, not giving me thethe silent treatment.  My wolf whimper mentally. "Alpha, what you saw was not what you think" he said in a  shakey voice.  "Well what the fuck was it then," I roared. As he cower away. "Calm the fuck down" Amina spat,  finally joining the conversation. I took a deep breath. "Okay, im sorry,  it should've never got that far Amina, it's just when my wolf saw you guys being intimate he lost it." I said.

"WHAT! YOU BROKE MY FUCKIN WRIST, CAUSE YOU ASSUMED ON YOUR OWN THAT CODY AND I WAS INTIMATE?!?" Amina yelled out. "Well then what the fuck was it then" i questioned back. She went back to ignoring me and staring out the window. "Alpha, I know" cody said. I was getting irritated at this point. My mate ignoring me and Cody is still in room not giving me an explanation..

"KNOW WHAT CODY," I roared out. "That Amina is your mate, and she's our Luna" he blurted. I stood there frozen.  "Alpha, luna was just telling me not to let anyone know that she's our luna. She didn't want you to get mad", he stated.

The door slammed open, my TIC barged in with everyone in toe, he stood in front of Amina,  in a protective stance. "How could you do this to our Luna" he stated anger and disappoint laced in his tone. Ethan is my age, it was always Ethan, Noah and I, growing up, even going through my difficult time,  they both stood by me, comforting me.

Frustrated I rub my face and ran my finger through my hair.  "EVERYONE OUT." I yelled out using my alpha voice,  making everyone cower and walk out. Ethan was the last to walk,  he look at Amina, giving her a reassuring smile, and walked out.

"I'm sorry love," i said sadly with my head hung low. "You can't say that Kingston, one minute your making me feel like I'm the happiest girl in the world,  then the next minute your breaking my heart into a thousand pieces. I can't do this shit anymore," she spat.

I didn't say anything, cause she was right. "You were mad at Cody and I, we didn't do anything except felt guilty for lying to you when you ask us what we were doing, i didn't want you to get angry, cause you didn't want me as your mate. So I ask Cody not to say anything, instead you break my fuckin wrist, you have no rights to get mad at me, I should be the one mad at you,  I was the one that walk in on you with a she-wolf straddling you,  knowing your about to do god knows what". She yelled out angrily. "Amina it's not what you think" I respond. "I don't wanna talk to you,  leave. Me. Alone." She spat.

I decided its best to leave her alone. I walked out and everyone I'm sure heard our conversation. They stared everywhere else except my direction. I need another run.

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