Chapter 28

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Amina (pov)

After dinner, we all headed out where everyone trains. Kingston got up to ther podium. "I know everyone is wondering why  I called this meeting, I know there's rumors going around about me finding my mate and your Luna," Kingston stated. I shifted uncomfortable in my seat. I knew he was gonna introduce me to the pack, I felt a pain in my heart. What if the pack doesn't like me, or worst doesn't accept me? My eyes widened. Cassie leaned next to my ear "you'll be a great Luna, everyone will love you, don't worry." She says. While Jessica rub my back reassuring me everything will be okay.

"Yes, the rumors are true. I have found my mate. For awhile now, but I didn't say anything. Everyone knows what happen with my parents, I thought history would repeat itself, so I kept it to myself." He said.  Making me and Cassie give each other a puzzled look. Definitely gotta ask what happened to his parents. "But I was wrong,  my mate is nothing like that. I'm sorry I kept it from all of you. You deserve to know who your Luna is, some may already know,  some may have figure it out,  but for those of you who are still clueless, my mate is...."

my heart starts beating uncontrollably fast. I start to sweat. "Amina Ashlynn Conaway," Kingston said, as motion towards me. He nodded his head motioning me to come up. I gave him a scowl look while getting up and walking towards him. I turned around and stared out many eyes staring back at me. I smiled "Hi.... please just call me Amina. Luna is to formal for my taste." I said jokingly.

Everyone laugh. Well not everyone there were a few people that still had disgust still written all over their face. "Or we can just call you the rouge" someone yelled out. I turn towards the person voice.. it was Jake. He usually patrol the border near where my cottage is. Before I can say something, Kingston lets out a furious growl. That made everyone bow and submit to him. Except me. I have alpha blood in me so it doesn't affect me.

"How dare you say that about your Luna," he says  while his eyes flicker from blue to black. I walk in front of him. "Calm down" I said putting my hands on his chest. He pulled me in closer and rest his face in the crook of my neck. "Kingston..." I smack his chest a little getting his attention. "What?" He asked. I motion my eyes towards ther crowd of werewolves. "Right. Saturday we will have a Luna ceremony,  and everything is to be here. Meeting dismissed,"he said, while grabbing my hands and walking, i'm guessing his house.

We walked quietly. I let go ig his hands "this is my stop." I said. "What are you talking about? I told you,  your not staying in the cottage anymore," he stated. "..i'm not going to stay at the packhouse. "Not everyone is content with me being there Luna". I said frustrated. "Who said anything about you staying in a packhouse?" I gave him a confused look. "Your staying in 'our' personal home." He continued. "I will. if.... you give me my own room." I said. "Fine." He said annoyed.

We walked into his, I meant 'our' home, he walked me to my room. Went into his (which is right next door) a few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I opened "hey" i said.  "I brought you my shirt and some shorts. I know you don't have any extra clothes." Kingston said. "Thanks" i grab the clothes and said goodnight. Today was Wednesday, 3 more days till the ceremony.

Don't worry to much everything will go great. Said my wolf Lynn. Well have you been? I asked. While you spend time with Kingston, I've been spending time with Kai. He wants to hurry the ceremony up. He very anxious to start ther mating process. Lynn said. I scowl. Lynn I may be going through with the whole Luna ceremony,  but that doesn't mean I'm ready to start the mating process. Kingston got alot off making up to do. I said, blocking her. I was done listening to her. I love my wolf, but she's a nuisances sometimes.

I finally feel asleep.

I woke up ther next day feeling great.  I took a shower and did my morning routine. Got out ther room,  and stop in front of Kingston room... I wonder if he's still sleeping? Maybe he left. Right when I was leaning in to knock on the door. Kingston opens it, causing me to lose my balance and falling towards him, making my face land on his chest, he just grabs me my waist. "If you wanted a hug love, you could've ask," he said smirking. Making me wanna smack the smirk off his face.

Kingston and I ate breakfast, then headed to ther packhouse. As we enter we were greeted by alot "good morning, alpha, Luna", i nodded and smile. "I'm gonna be in the office would you like to join me?" Kingston asked. "Sure" I respond.

We walked upstairs. Kingston went right to work.  Leaving me bored. I sat in the chair next to him.. with my elbow on ther table and my chin on my hand. Then i got up and walk around. Then minutes later sat on the couch. This couch was way comfortable then the one at Kingston. I started jumping up and down on my bum, making me giggle like a child at a playground. Then I jump a couple times harder and harder, and then all of a sudden I lost balance coming down. 'Thud'  I got up and looking at Kingston. He had an amused look trying to hold in his laugh. I rolled my eyes, "just laugh already, I'm going to see if Cassie it's awake, be back" i said running out the office, I was embarrassed.

"Morning" i said knocking outside of Cassie door. Oh goddess how about if I'm interrupting there 'time'. I was about to walk back to Kingston office, but Cassie door swing opens. "Why are you up du early?" Cassie ask groggy still. "I don't know." I respond. "Come in,  let me get ready for the day," she said motioning me to come.

"Uhh... isn't Noah still in there?" I question. "No left early this morning to train the teenager's," she reply. "Oh okay. I'll wait for you on the couch. The bed might be unsanitary for me, if you know what i mean," I teased. "Well I suggest you don't sit on that couch either,  it's unsanitary." She said with a smirk. "Ewwww, you freaks" I said while sitting on ther chair. Cassie walks in ther bathroom. While i grab the remote and switch on Netflix on.

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