Chapter 19

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Amina (pov)

Knock knock. "This better be good Noah, I'm tired" screamed Cassie. "Sorry to burst your bubbles, but it's not Noah" I said opening the door. "Amina?" She said as she shot up from her bed. "The one and only" I replied with a grin. "Ahhh," she squealed running towards me with open arms. "I felt like I haven't seen you in forever" she said letting me go from the hug. "Don't over exaggerate it's only been 1 day" I said.

"How are you here? does the alpha knows your here? your faced healed up I see" she stated "I was here for dinner, and yes he does, and you should know I've would've been healed by this afternoon" i answered. "Now refresh my memories on what happen last night, and how i ended up in Kingston house?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh... I killed someone? I can't believe this all happened in one night!" I exclaimed, after Cassie gave me the run down on last night. Liquor courage, I would've never done that if I didn't have alcohol in my system. No more drinking for me anymore, how embarrassing" i said throwing myself on Cassie bed.

So last night those rogues wanted yo hurt the female wolf that came with us. That explains why the woman thank me this morning.

She teased me for another hour. "Yea the worst part is we all got in trouble, and your scotch free," she pouted. "Im sorry Cass, what was your punishment?" I question. "The alpha made all 7 of us do the chores you were 'supposed' to do for work, for another 2days" she said annoyed. "Hahaha. I'll be back at work tomorrow to help you" i said. "Its getting late I should head home" i say standing up walking towards her door. "Goodnight bestie" i said shutting her door. "Nite A" i hear while walking away from ther door.

I was headed downstairs, but was stop by hit by his intoxicating smell. So instead of going downstairs, I headed up 1 more flight of stairs. Standing in front of his office, i hesitated to knock... last time i knocked and barge in didn't go so well. So i just decided I'll go home, until i heard "are you gonna come in or stand out there." I walked in. "Hey" i said. "Hey" Kingston responded but still on his laptop. "So, I talked to Cassie and wanted to come in here to thank you for helping me last night" i stated awkwardly standing there. "No problem" he said coldly. Well that's my cue to leave. "Goodnight Kingston" isaid walking out his office. "Wait, I'll go with you, I'm gonna head home anyways" he stated getting up.

We walked downstairs, nobody saying a word. I was walking behind him as we exited the packhouse. Still no talking. I wonder why he look so tired. Because you kept him up all night with your shenanigans my wolf chimed in. I told her to shut and blocked her. Was it because of me he didn't enough sleep.

I was so consumed in my thoughts, i didn't realize Kingston stop walking, and Bam! I walked right into him, causing me to fall on my ass. "Watch were your walking" he said annoyed. "Sorry, i didn't know you were gonna stop outta no where." I shot back with an attitude. I mean I'm the one on my ass for crying out loud.

We continued walking in silence. "Well this is my stop. Goodnight Kingston" i said. While he continued walking towards his house. Not even a goodnight back or anything. Screw him. Here I was worried about him. Stupid mate bond. I walked into my cottage. Showered, and head to bed. Sitting in my bed i couldn't help but wonder why he keeps switching up on me, one minute we're good, the next minute he hates me again. He so confusing, and this mate bond isn't helping the situation.

I layed down and drift off to sleep.

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