Chapter 31

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Amina (pov)

After walking away from Kingston, I found my way to Noah and the girls, the girls run up to me. "Are you okay," they both ask. I'm sure I looked a mess. I didn't wipe all ther blood off of my face. I'm sure my face is bruised up. "Lets get you home luna, alpha order, plus alot of human is staring." Noah said. I followed him to the car with the girls link on each arm. "Don't ever do that again," Cassie whispered. "I was so worried about you." Jess commented. I smiled. "I'm fine guys, where's my dress and other bags?" I questioned. "It's in the trunk along with the alpha credit card," Jess respond. "Thanks" i whispered.

I was dropped off along with ALL my shopping bags. I didn't know i bought this much stuff. Kingston came out and helped me with the bags. "You should've just bought the whole store," he joked. I awkwardly smiled. I think i might've spent at least 3 grand. 

"Are you mad that I spent alot of your money?" I asked lowly putting some bags down in my room.  "No, money comes and go. As long as your happy, then it doesn't matter, plus there's more where that came from." He said. I raised an eyebrow, and look at him confused. "You see love,  I have multiple successful businesses, like flipping houses, I own my own construction company,  and have my own realtors selling the house's we flip." He said. "We do have both humans and werewolves working together. Of course the human doesn't know that, if any werewolf wanted a job then they're always welcome to work in one of the businesses."

Wow I didn't even know that. My mate is not only a great alpha but a smart business man. I stared at him in aw. Not realizing he grab my red laced bra up out of my Victoria secret bag. "Are you plan on using this anytime soon?" He questioned with a smirk. Oh goddess. I look at him and back to the laced bra, then back at him. I snatched the bra out of his hands. "OUT!" I yelled out, feeling my face heating up. He walks backward, putting his hands up in a surrendering position out of my room.

I walked to his room and knock. He opens up. "I came by to give you back this." Handing him his credit card. He looks at me. "That's yours to keep." He said.  "What? No I can't just keep your card." I started but was cut off by Kingston,  "your my mate, what's mines is yours, I'll call the bank to send me another card, so we can both have one. Also to add you to my bank account, so you'll have access to using it wherever, and whenever you want." He said nonchalant. Like that was no big deal. I was in a frozen state of mind. 

"Amina, love?" Kingston said while waving his hands in my face. I shook my head. "Kingston, are you sure you wanna do that? I mean that's taking a big step." I questioned. He smiled wrapping his arms around my waist. "Of course I sure, unless you got like some addiction to shopping or drugs," he asked with an eyebrow raised. "No, i don't. It's just a big step, and I want you to be sure, that's all," I said looking up at him. He nodded,  "I'm sure" he said kissing my forehead.

"What do you want for dinner he yelled from downstairs." Kingston yelled from downstairs. "I'm not that hungry," i said coming downstairs. "And why not," he asked. "We had an early dinner at the mall earlier." I replied. "I'm sending someone to get pizza then," he placed his order. Then someone from the pack will pick it up. Of course they get paid. It's like delivery service, but werewolves style. Cause 1) no human is to know where the pack is. 2) no delivery service would deliver in the woods. 3)humans would be suspicious to why there are beautiful homes deep in the woods. Kingston explained.

Kingston has once of ther biggest pack in the world. Not to mention he's alpha's of all alpha's. Of course my mate has everything organized. From money, to making sure his pack is stright and content with being here, to education, he even lets some werewolves go to college. As long as they're in a certain district.

Pizza was here half an hour later. Kingston paid the younger guy, he looks around Cody age,  speaking of Cody,  I wonder how's he doing? I watch as Kingston at 5 slices in like 3 minutes. I ate 1 slice, even though I said i wasn't hungry,  but when you have food in front of you,  you can't help but help yourself to some.

Kingston finished up ther pizza. I told him I'm gonna shower up. He walked me up to my room. "Wait" he ran to his room and came back to my room,  "here" he said handing me one of his Tshirt. Which i didn't mind. I couldn't get enough of his scent. "My wolf and I like our scent on you, since you don't have our mark and we're not mated yet. Plus I think you look hot in my shirt." Kingston said, while I took ther shirt out of his hands and giggle. I Tippy toe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Kingston," i said shutting my room door. "Goodnight love." He said.

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