Chapter 45

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Amina (pov)

"What's going on" I repeat myself. Kingston just stood there hugging me. Naked. "Can someone get my mate here some shorts?" Ethan nodded. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before love," he whispered in my ears, causing me
Shiver in delight. "Well, I don't need anyone else seeing it either." I said with a frown, noticing she-wolf around. My mate chuckled. "Are you jealous?" He ask me, I said nothing. Just fidgeting with the hems on my shirt. "Don't worry love, I'm all yours!" Kingston said while moving my hair from my face behind my ears. Ethan tossed Kingston some shorts.

While he puts on his short, I move aside. Started picking up broken and shattered things Kingston destroyed.  "What are you doing?" He ask. I turned around. "What's it look like I'm doing? Cleaning your mess." I said turning back to pick up where I left off. After an hour of cleaning,  and help with other pack members. I decided to visit my alpha/mate.

"Hey guys," I waved to Noah and Ethan.  "Luna." They say while bowing there head. I was about to say something but Kingston cut me off. "We need to talk... alone... at home... now." I nodded hearing the seriousness in Kingston voice.

We walk home in silence. Once we got in, Kingston head to the couch. He sat down and I sat down.  No one's says anything for a couple minutes. I decide to break the silence. "What was that?" I blurted. A very confused Kingston said,  "what was what?" I shake my head.  "Kingston if your not gonna tell me the hell is going on, I should just go do something productive." Kingston raised an eyebrow and "like?" I had nothing... "go hang out with Jess and Cassie." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Alright, come here." He said patting the seat next to him. I sat down. "So.. I'm not sure how to start this... so I'm just gonna say it.


Kingston (pov)

"Growing up my childhood wasn't the greatest. My mother left me at 5 years old, causing my father to lose his mind. He use to smack and punch me. As I  got older,  the punishment were more severe. It went from punching and smacking to chaining me to silver with little to no food.

One day he came in my room with a whip, and started whipping me with it. He would say, you worthless piece of shit, you and your mother mean shit to me. When I find that bitch, I'm gonna torture her just how I'm torturing you. Everything was fine till you was born,  she started feeling some type of way. He would spat at me. You see my mother and father weren't actually mate." I turn to a shocked Amina.

"My father was in love with my mother, as she was with him. But after having me, i guess she changed. According to my father.  My mother never beat me, or at least I don't remember her doing so. She never really showed me any emotion. Not love, not hate. I do remember  the day she left.  I was 5 and playing with my toy cars. I heard my father pleading with my mother.. I walk to there room. My mother argued and told my father that she wasn't happy anymore after having me.

She said she was excited at first then I guess when she had me, I was nothing but stress. Again that's according to my father. Noah and Ethan father's always step in when I was abused. But they were always a little to late.

On my 12th birthday my father had a pack meeting with another alpha. That alpha was my father biggest and most trusted allied. I came along because my father obviously didn't care about my 12th birthday.  We walk in and I saw a beautiful woman. She was holding a baby boy who looks about 5 or 6 years old. That woman looks so familar, but I brushed it off.

My father however didn't.  He laugh like a manic. And said, 'so this is what you've been doing these past 7 years?  Leaving me with this worthless piece of shit son, while you play luna and new mommy to another pack that I thought was my allied.' The alpha from the other pack looks angry! 'How dare you speak to my mate that way.' He roared out. I was still confused. I look at the woman.. she look at me emotionless.

My father started attacking that pack. But we were outnumbered. I mean we were on their land. My father eyes were black. He shifted into his wolf, and started killing anyone in sight,  including women and children. It was chaos. I turn to the woman. And it hit me. That was my mother. I called out to her, while she cradled her baby boy.

'Momma?' I question while the chaos was still going on, i think my father killed at alot of werewolves at this point. My father's beta had no choice but to fight as well. The woman I called mother look at me. 'DONT YOU DARE CALL ME THAT CHILD. WHAT YOU ARE WAS A MISTAKE. HOW DARE HE COME TO MY MATE'S PACK AND ATTACK. YOU BOTH DISGUST ME.'  I ignore what she said and ran to her. Not caring about anyone. She can save me from this monster. She can take me away from this pain.

I hugged her, she grabs me by the arm, and pushed me to the floor. 'What the fuck do you think your doing? Didn't you hear me, you disgust me. Your nothing but a mistake I made with that disgusting vile person' she spat, pointing at my father. 'I wish I never had you,  cause now look at my pack. You destroyed everything.' She said walking toward me. I look up at her and she smack me. 'You'll never be what my son will be. You'll always be a weak mutt'

What she said was way more painful then what my father did to me. I don't know what to say. My heart was breaking into a million pieces. Next thing you know I heard my bones cracking, my back arch and my vision was blurring black. I howled in pain. Noah father was right beside. 'We gotta go, he yelled out. Everyone was about to leave, until a furious growl was heard. It was the other alpha. 

'You think you can just leave after what you did?' He asked. Another crack was heard. I howled in pain. 'It can't be?' The alpha said. At this point I have no clue where my father was. The alpha looks at me with pity. Which angered me. I may not be happy with the situation I'm in. But i don't need anyone pity. I wanted to snap his head off. But I was in to much pain. "GO, AND NEVER COME BACK! I'M KEEPING YOUR ALPHA HERE!"

Everyone ran. I was still in human form. It'll be another 3 and a half hour till I shift. They rushed me into the packhouse infirmary. Doctor Joey Waters was my doctor. He look at me in shocked. 'He can't be shifting! He's only 12' Joey yelled out. 'I don't know what to do. I've never dealt with this.' Noah father walk up to him. 'Your the damn doctor, so go on doc and do your job. He's the alpha.' Joey looks at Noah father confused. 'Where is the alpha?' Before he could answer. I started to reshift again. I howled and reshifted for ther next 2 and a half hour.

I was sweating profusely. Then crack, snap, I think im gonna pass out. 'You gotta stay in control Kingston. You can't lose consciousness, or you could die.' Joey yelled out.

I kept my eyes open, and mind focus. I'm not dying like this. After 10 agonizing minutes of pain. I finally shifted into my midnight black wolf."

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