Chapter 4

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Amina (pov)

1 year later

It's been 1 year since the attack. Luckily a small pack, help Cassie and I out, we didn't join thier pack, cause Derrick words would linger,  we were a couple miles outside there border, they help build a small cottage for us, In return we would let them know if we see or hear anything that might hurt the pack.

  It was nice of them, kinda reminds me of my pack. We would always help rouges out. My dad always taught me to never judge a person by they're appearance, but by there actions. I mean some rogues were just all wild, lost their human side. You can tell by the way they act,. I'm no one to judge cause technically we are rouges. Been one for a year now. It's not so bad,  I don't have anyone telling us what to do, or having to check in with everyone.

I was out hunting a rabbit,  so Cassie can cook it. But no luck.  These rabbits must've move. We've been taking turn killing them since we got here, we needed to survive, the small pack help us. But we couldn't burden them for food too. We grew a garden. Hunt our meat.  Tonight's looks like it's veggie night.

Walking in our cottage, it was weird.. I didn't hear Cassie, it was an eerie silence. "Cassie" I said loudly.. no response. The vibe I was getting was uncool. "BOOO" a voice behind me scream.  "AHHHHHH" I squealed tumbling down,  taking one of the corner table with me. "Hahahaha oh gosh I wish I had a camera,  you should've seen your face Amina" Cassie was laughing to the point where she was crying, holding her stomach. "You've would've been scared too" I yelled getting up. This bitch was suppose to be my bestfriend. ..i'm gonna get her back. "Just wait Cassie, ..i'm gonna get you back. It might  not today or tomorrow, or next week, but it'll happen,  just watch it" I said while backing slowly to my room.

After a cold shower, cause we had no plumbing or electricity. Don't even ask how we use the bathroom. but after a year you get use to everything. We ate dinner and went to bed. I was woken up by a forceful shake. I turn to look and find Cassie, "What the heck cassie, i'm sure it's like 1 Am, why are you waking me up" I ask annoyed.

"HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY BESTIE" she yelled. I shot up outta bed, it's my birthday yaaay! She brought me a cake, she ask one of the pack wolves to make. I felt so bad,  Cassie birthday was 2 months before mines, and I didn't even get her anything except made some stir fry rabbit with vegetable. Im the worst.

"Hey Cassie" i said, "remember how I said I was gonna get you back for scaring me? " "yeaaaaaa" she said getting up off my bed slowly. Haha "I'm not cause you brought me cake, thanks for everything Cassie, I'm so lucky to have you". I started crying..

" hey why are you crying, its your birthday dummy", she said. "Haven't you ever heard,  its my party, and I'll cry if I want too, cry if I want too"  I  got up doing the stupid hokey pokey dance to this song. Honestly we both know why I'm crying, cause Cassie cried to on her birthday as well. It was our first birthday without our parents. We just didn't wanna cry and dwell on it any longer. So we just sit there quietly.

Currently in the cottage while Cassie goes out to hunt, she said she'll do all ther work today. Because i needed to relax on my birthday. It honestly was just another day for me. But I couldn't knock my bestfriend down for doing all this. Its was around noon. Cassie opens the door and slammed it shut. She ran started packing things in a duffle bag,  which concern me.

"Whats going on Cassie" I ask, she turns to me, her face pale, "We need to leave NOW! Derrick is headed here" that name alone sent fear to my soul. "What the fuck are you talking about" I question again.  "Amina I was hunting a little further maybe about 3 or 4 miles out, and i saw him, they were resting,  no doubt there headed here". With that said we started running.. not before spraying the cottage with some potion to cover up our scent, that a witch traded us for helping her with a little problem. We didn't kill anyone.

No Derrick was here, he's gonna
hurt everyone if we stayed. So we ran, and never looked backed...

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