Chapter 30

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Kingston (pov)

After Amina and ther girls left. I decided to get some more work done. As I'm doing that I look up at the couch. I started smiling. Taking me back to a couple hours earlier.  I was working and she was bored apparently, didn't really pay attention. I just wanted to get the paperwork done, so I can spend some time with my mate. I got alot of making up to do.

She sat on the couch and started jumping,  she giggle which cause me to look up at her. Her giggle was music to my ears. It made my heart swell up with joy. She look so carefree. she then started jumping up harder and higher. I was gonna tell her to stop before she hurt herself. All you heard was a loud 'thud' she got up and look at me. It wasn't that it was funny that my mate fell, however it was the look she gave me when she knew she got caught.

I found myself smiling and shaking my head. My mate is perfect. "Kingston. We got a problem." Ethan mind link me. You see only Ethan and Noah is allowed to call me by my first name, because we're like brothers. "Whats going on," I mind link him back, a little worried. My mate was with him. I knew I should've send more guards with them, or gone myself.

"Rogues, but they left," he mind link me. "There was no scent on them, but I could tell by their eyes, the girls are oblivious to it," he mind linking me back. I could see him shaking his head. "Okay, I think fun time is over. Come back to the packhouse." I mind link him. "I think they're done anyways." Then I went back to work. Hopefully those rogues stay away, if they know what's good for them.

"I need back up, NOW!" Ethan mind link. "Whats going on?" Noah mind link him back. "8 rogues" was all he mind link.  I got up and ran downstairs, where Noah was waiting for me with a couple warriors. "We will go in our wolf form, we'll get there faster. Someone carry some extra clothes and be careful. Remember to be discreet. We are gonna be in a human town."

We shift back into our human forms and walked up what I see 4 guys fighting Ethan. The girls we're to the side. I thought he said 8 rogue's? We walked up to them,  2 of my warriors immediately took control of the situation. I scan the area. Where is my mate? I haven't seen her since we got here. I immediately walk over to ther girls. "Where's Amina," i question aggressively. "He took her in the woods." Cassie respond.  "WHAT!!!" I roared out.

I ran towards the wood with Ethan and a couple of my warriors in toe. I shift to my wolf form, and followed my mate scent. What I saw made my wolf go crazy,  and myself as well. My mate had a bloody face, she's on the ground while some filthy rouge try to yank her up, by her hair. I let out the loudest furious growled I've ever growled.  It made the tree shake. I can hear the rogue's whimper and quiver in fear. While my man bowed down, baring there neck in submission.

Let me take over Kingston, my wolf Kai said. What so you can have all the fun? I asked. Fine I continued. Kai took over and went stright to attacking. Killing one rogue in a matter of seconds. Then another. More rogues emerge from behind the trees. We were out numbered. I don't care, I wanted blood! Killing another rogue. I look at the guy that has my mate,  another rogue came out and whispered something. Then he let my mate go,  and they retreat. "Follow them and KILL THEM ALL!!!" I roared in the mind link to Ethan and my warriors.

I shift into my human form. Ran up to my mate, "are you okay love", I asked worried. "i'm fine Kingston, can we go. Where is everyone? who's with the girls? Is anyone hurt?" She asked. I shook my head, and smiled. "What?" She asked. "Your the one hurt, and you're worried about the others? you'll be a great Luna!" I said pulling her to my chest, kissing the top of her head, I  looked down at my mate, she was beet red, then I picked up my mate and carried her bridal style back to ther car. which is still at the mall.

"Kingston put me down," she demanded. "Why?" I ask a little hurt. "Umm.... Your naked and you can't exactly just waltz in the mall like that," she said throwing her hands in ther air frustrated. While I'm still carrying her. "Where are you clothes anyways, I don't want other she wolf staring at what's mine," she stated, which made me stop in my track, and look down at my mate with a smirk. She had her hands over her mouth, eyes widened. Guessing she just realize what she said, Haha.

She wiggled out of my hold. I clear my throat. "I'll see you at home?" I asked. She nodded. Still not looking me in ther eye. "Yea. Wait our home or the packhouse?" she asked. I walked up to her and pulled her for a hug. "Our home love" I said kissing her on the forehead. She stiffens. "What" I asked. "Your still naked Kingston," which made me laugh outloud. "Your innocence is gonna kill me." I said. Which earned my a light smack on the chest.

I growled a little,  i started kissing my mate jawline to her neck. "Kingston" she said lowly. "Hmmm" I reply.. still kissing her. "Fuck" she whispered. I could smell her arousal. Fuck it was turning me on. "Kingston STOP!" she said while pushing me. I was hurt. Did she not want me. I know I fucked up, but damn. I just look down to the ground. "It's not that I don't want you. But I wanna take things slow. Plus we're in the fuckin woods, and a few yards the mall, do you really think,  I want my first time to be like this." She said.

"I'm sorry, your right we should take things slo-, wait your first time? Meaning as your still a virgin?" I asked. "Yea, i didn't exactly have time to look for love. Or talked to anyone." She reply walking towards the mall. A big smile creep up on my face. My mate is still pure. I mean I wouldn't care if she was or wasn't,  but the fact that she is, is gonna be 10x sweeter.

"Alpha, they got away." Ethan mind link me. Causing my smile to turn upside down to a frown.  Great just fuckin great. I wanted that rogue head. I wanted to torture him before killing him slowly, for touching my mate. I'll find him and kill him, soon enough. My blood is boiling. I need a run to calm my wolf and I down.

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