WHUMP BINGO- Close Calls With Hypothermia

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Also yesterday I was gonna post but I ended up just making an entirely different Irondad story...oops.

Anyway, let's get on with it!


3rd Person POV

   After the mission, everyone was shivering.

   Or, at least, everyone who came. Fury found a HYDRA base in Greenland. He didn't want all the avengers to go, just in case, but he needed Tony as a large distraction while Peter, Natasha, and Clint infuriated the base discretely, got intel, and joined Tony to finish the fight outside. Unfortunately, winters were cold in Sokovia, and none of them anticipated that. So, even though the mission was successful, they were all freezing except Tony, who's suit provided plenty of warmth in the bitter cold.

   Clint collapsed on the couch, groaning and saying, "Uggghhhh! Why the hell didn't anyone tell us that it would be so fu- fricken cold!" Natasha, who had stopped shivering a while ago, said pointedly, "Because they probably suspected we'd know. Too bad you were to busy complaining about the mission rather than checking the conditions of the base like I told you to do." 

   Tony payed no mind to their argument though, and looked at Peter, who just came out of his room in a long sleeved sweater and a pair of sweatpants. He was shivering violently, his teeth chattering. Tony brought his protege into a side hug, his arms draped over the shivering boys shoulders. 

   "You okay, kid?" He asked, smiling down at him. "I-I'm f-fine.. j-just pretty c-cold..." Peter replied in stutters, his shaking arms wrapping around his thin frame.

   "Well, let's warm you up, shall we?" Tony said as he grabbed a blanket and draped it around Peters shoulders. Peter sighed, sitting down on the couch and curling up inside the blanket. The group cooed at the sight, making Peter groan and say, "Shut up!" Tony just sat down next to him, smiling and ruffling his hair. Peter huffed but leaned into the touch, not helping his argument. "How about we turn on a movie? Maybe it'll distract us while we warm up." Tony asked Peter, causing him to smile slightly and say. "Y-Yeah... I-I'd like t-that."

   "Alright. FRI, put on Star Wars." Tony commanded, ignoring Clint's groans.

~~~Small Timeskip brought to you by Peters adorableness~~~

   After about halfway of the movie, Natasha and Clint left to go train, leaving me and Peter on the couch. I smiled looking at him, but then noticed something odd. 

   He was still shivering.

   I frowned and said, "Are you still cold kid?" He slowly looked up, a tired dull look in his eyes as he slurred out, "Yeah..."

   I frowned and then said, "FRI, scan Peter for hypothermia and give me the symptoms and ways to help." It was quiet while Friday did her scan until she stated, "Peter does seem to have hypothermia. Symptoms include: unnatural amounts of shivering, hunger, fatigue, confusion, slurred speech, etc. Unfortunately, the blanket does not generate enough heat to prevent the worst of the hypothermia. Best course of action: Use body heat to warm him completely." I sighed and said, "Alright, come here kid." As I held out my arms, he fell into them gladly, shivering less with the extra heat.

   I smiled and said, "Don't worry bud. You'll feel better in no time." Peter nodded, sighing and sinking into the embrace.

   "How did you get hypothermia anyways? Wouldn't the others be shaking too?" I asked more to myself in confusion. Peter quietly said, "S-spiders can't thermoregulate. And I-I um... fell into a river..." I gaped at him and said, "D-did you take a hot shower?" He nodded and I sighed in relief, subconsciously pulling the blanket closer around the two of us.

   "Next time, please tell me these things, okay?" I said after a moment of silence, and he nodded, snuggling closer to me. I sighed and thought,

   'This kids gonna give me grays.'


685 words 

Well that was a thing.

Not much to say except I hope you liked it and I'll see you next time, Webheads!



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