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Ladies and Gentlemen.

We got em.

After months of hard work and feedback

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After months of hard work and feedback... we are at 10 K. (⬆️Do you like my drawing? ⬆️)

It's been a journey, I won't lie. And with all this support for everything I stand for, we're here.

Words couldn't describe how happy I am. This is something I love to do, and will continue to do for a long while. Platonic ♥️♥️'s for all you beautiful Webheads!

Anyway, for the 5+1 shot

5 times Tony came to Peter for comfort and the 1 time Peter needed comforting from Tony.

1. Stupid Meetings

   Tony was having a rough time. Between meetings and the accords (dealing with Ross is always a chore), he hasn't gotten much of a break. He could feel the stress giving him a migraine. He just couldn't wait to get home and spend time with his son. But this meeting was taking much longer with the mindless chatter about stocks and stuff Tony didn't really care all that much about at this point.

   Finally, the last meeting of the day concluded, and he rushed out the door, down to the car, and told Happy to drive him home. 

   When they arrived at the Tower, Tony collapsed on the couch, sighing. Peter walked in, having gotten back from school 2 hours ago and asked, "Rough meeting?"

   Tony nodded at his son saying, "They went on and on about this new "exciting" project they're making. It wasn't at all."

   "Well, you know them. Always droning on about some new project they're making that will ultimately fail." Peter said. 

   Tony hesitated, looking at Peter and wondering if he should ask him for comfort. Peter seemed to notice this and said smirking (and looking so much like Tony that his heart skipped a beat for a minute), "Do you need me to come over there?"

   Tony sighed and said, "How did you read my mind?" Peter smiled and said, "Well, I know you at this point. What movie do you want to watch?" As he sat down on the couch leaning against Tony.

"Whatever you want to kid." Tony said smiling, his headache fading.

2. Panic Attacks

   Tony was having a panic attack, as he usually did while thinking of Titan. He was sweating, his breathing uneven, lying on the bed. He panted out, "Fri... Peter... please..." 

   After a minute, the door opened softly, and Peter walked in, saying, "Dad?! Are you okay?!" He then saw the situation, and immediately was at his dads side.

   "Deel breaths... inhale, exhale.. it's okay, you're here. You're right here." He repeated softly.

   Slowly but surely, Tony felt his breathing go back to normal. He hugged his son, saying, "Thank you..."

    "Of course, always Dad." Peter said smiling.

3. Rouge Avengers being jerks.

   Tony was tired. Very tired. 

   After he fixed the accords (spending months and plenty of money on lawyers) only to find that his "friends" were still treating him like garbage. Steve was the worst. He didn't seem to understand that Tony had his and everyone else's best interests at heart. All he sees is the man who he fought in civil war.

   One of the times they were arguing, Peter walked in. Steve tried to explain to him that Tony was bad, but Peter has absolutely none of that. He stood his ground and argued for Tony. By the end of it, Peter took Tony outside and Steve stood rooted at the spot, looking shocked that he had been confronted by a teenager. 

   Peter sat him on the couch and said firmly, "If he starts saying that BS again, come get me. I'll stop him."

   Tony smiled. "You've always got my back, huh kid?"


4. Lab Frustrations.

   Tony had been working on the same equation for 20 minutes now. 

   "Why is this so difficult?!" He questioned out loud to no one. He sighed. He needed a break. 

   He walked up to Peters room. Peter looked up from his laptop, saw that he was frustrated, and closed it. He immediately beckoned Tony on the bed, saying, "What's up?"

   "Just frustrated over a stupid equation. You always help." He said smiling, his frustration already melting away.

   Peter smiled, saying sarcastically, "Tony Stark, having a heart? Never."

   Tony smiled and said, "Will you help me out with it?"

   "Of course, Dad."

5. Stuck in the Medbay

   Tony was restricted to the medbay by Bruce after a big fight with HYDRA. He had gotten a big wound, but thankfully it was healing. He said to the ceiling, "Fri? Can you get Peter down here?"

   "Of course sir." Friday responded.

   A moment later, Peter came rushing to the medbay in a panic, saying frantically, "Are you okay?! Are you in pain?! What happened?!"

   Tony shushed him, saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay, just wanted to see you."

   Peter sighed, his panic forgotten. "Okay. Wanna watch a movie? You must be bored."

   Tony nodded, smiling at his son.

+1. Stupid bullies.

   Peter walked into Tony's lab after school, tears streaming down his face. 

  Tony was immediately at his side, asking, "What happened, Bambi?"

   "... Flash. He was s-saying that I was w-worthless and a c-charity case.." Peter said quietly, sniffling.

   Tony's eyes flashed with anger for a second, but then he thought, 'Not the time. Peter needs me.' He brought Peter to the couch, and sat him down. "You know that what he said isn't true, right? You are not a charity case or worthless, you are my son, and I love you just the way you are." He engulfed Peter in a hug, his hand going through his messy curles, his other hand rubbing Peters back soothingly.

   Peter melted into the touch, smiling as his sniffles slowly faded along with his sadness. 

   Before either of them knew it, they were both asleep, content in each others company.

   Let's just say that Flash was no longer attending Midtown High School afterwards.


1030 words 

♥️♥️ I don't have too much to say but I love you Webheads and have a good day/night♥️♥️


IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now