🥀Roses 🥀

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^Btw the picture gave me inspiration for this one-shot.^

Also, I know you're getting tired of me saying this, but we've done it again folks

Also, I know you're getting tired of me saying this, but we've done it again folks

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Now this is getting ridiculous. I will probably make a chapter for this stuff and edit it every time we hit a mile stone.

Would you all like that? (Comment on either one.)





Peter Parker POV

Watching. Just... watching.

Don't break focus. Don't break focus. Don't break focus.

I need to focus on what I'm doing. Because if I don't, I'll die. And I can't let that happen at the moment. There's to much going on, and I can't let myself stop, or It'll get me. And if that happens, it's over.

Two months since it happened. Two months of pondering. Of hoping. Of losing hope. Whatever people make of it, it's been two months since we arrived in the soul stone. And I've lost hope. But I have to cling on. I've seen what happens if I don't.

I've learned many things here. It simulates everything. Every scene you wish you couldn't see.

In my case, it's an old playground.

It's abandoned, vines snaking up the rusty poles that barley can hold the structure up anymore. The swings sit still, quiet. A play table sits gathering mold and termites. And on the ground in front of me is a single dying rose, it's petals ripped at the edges and losing color, it's stem devoid of thorns as if it had given up putting up a fight. A river snakes beside it, and an abandoned house stands behind me.

My old home.

My parents old home.

I've been here before, countless times. I've realized that no matter where I go, it's all abandoned, and gathering dust and mold and such. No human contact. And no way out.

I stare at the rose on the ground. Humans, and all creatures really, are a lot like roses. We're fragile. And though we have our thorns, some bigger than others, we can just as easily lose our petals. We can be torn away by uncaring gods, taking a look or sniff, and then selling us or throwing us away. It all ends up the same though. We all die, in the end. And there's nothing that can be done about that.

I pick the rose up. I almost feel bad for it. It looks like someone tore it up and then left it to rot. I look at it's draining color. Then I decide.

I walk to the river with it, forcing the overgrown trees and bushes out of my way. I finally get to the rushing water, it's gray and brown water flushing to some place away from here.

I raise the rose, vaguely hearing the others yelling to stop. And drop it. Then the scene flashes to the abyss in the soul stone, my soul falling in, as the others run towards me, begging me to stop, to reconsider. But in the end...

We're all just roses, and some day, we'll fall.


524 words

Explanation: My concept of the soul stone is that it tries to trick you into giving up and throwing your soul in the abyss. You have to just wait out the little scenes that play, and not do anything. But in this case Peter gave up and threw the rose, or in this case, his soul into the river or the abyss. So that's what I mean in case you're wondering.

I hope you enjoyed that I was brooding at a place similar to what I described and saw a rose on the ground and got inspired. It's funny how little things to that, ya know?

Anyways, see you web-heads later!

-SiederTree Studios-

IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now