Musical Phase

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Hey web-heads. Its-a me, trash queen.

Did you know I like musicals?

*le gasp*

I'm currently in a musical. It's Beauty And The Beast. But I'm not a main character... 0~0 But I have a line! And I get to scream it! :D

So here's my trash, read it if you want.

Will you get all the references? Who knows... (challenge)


Third Person POV

Stark had noticed something recently. Peter was... acting strange.

For example, when he was working in the lab, something exploded and he got mad, then Peter walked in saying, "Be. More. CHILL! I mean.. chill." He stared at Peter with a little concern. Peter just gave finger guns and flipped out of the room.

Another time, Stark was watching videos saved by Karen, and saw Peter yell, "I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!" In a singsong voice. He asked Peter later and he said, "Oh, it's from something I like."

Another time... well you get the point.

But Stark wanted to know what's going on.

When driving to the school to pick Peter up, he saw him and his friends come up. Peter asked if they could come over. Ted... and PJ he thinks they were called. Peter ran up first, sat in the car and said, "GET IN LOSER, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING." To which his friends snickered and replied, "On Wednesdays we wear pink!" Stark, being very confused, just watched these senarios. They snickered and laughed, saying things like, "ITS FROM JAPAN!" ,"I'm a general. WHEEE!" And, "Sincerely me!" Stark just sat there, extremely confused.

Soon enough, they reached the tower. Peter walked out singing, "Freeze your braaaiiiinnnn!", MJ with her nose in a book, and Ned staring in awe at the tower.

~~le time skip brought to you by a mythic bitch~~

It was a few hours after Ned and MJ left. Peter was humming to himself, smiling. Stark came in, wanting answers. "Hey, kid."

"Hmm? Yes Mr. Stark?"

"First of all, it's Tony, kid. Second, I noticed you've been quoting a lot of things recently. Where are they from?"

"OHH! It's from Musicals I like! I really like that stuff... I was hoping to see Mary Poppins Returns, but I'll wait till it comes out... I don't have the money for tickets.."

It was the that Stark formed a plan.

~~another time skip brought to you by Michel in the Bathroom~~

Peter woke up. It was a bright Saturday, perfect weather. He smiled and got dressed, walking downstairs afterwards. Stark was already there, sitting down with a cup of coffee in hand. On the table were two tickets. Peter sat down and said, "What are these?" Stark sipped his coffee casually, saying,"Tickets to that movie you wanted to see."

"Mr. Stark! Thank you! But you didn't have to do that you know..." Peter said shyly.

Stark walked over to Peter, tilting his chin up slightly. "I wanted to. And I'm going to see it with you. I was into musicals a long time ago... always nice to revisit them." Stark smiled.

~~Time skip three, from Lafayette~~

They went to see the movie, and it was amazing. Peter was grinning like an idiot the entire movie, (as was the author) and had downloaded the soundtrack as soon as he had WiFi. Stark thought it was a good movie too.

They walked out, smiling as Peter rambled abut how amazing it was.

"Hey kid?"

"Yeah Mr.Stark?"

"Can you show me some more musicals?"

"Oh! Yeah, sure!"

Soon enough, Peter got Stark into every musical he'd ever watched.


582 words

What? Me portraying myself as Peter? No....

If you caught the references, comment!

Later, Webheads!

-SiederTree Studios-

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