Chapter 8

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By the time the room was trashed to the best of our ability, we had all collapsed to the floor and were lying on our backs. The was definitely something, there were eggs on the duvet, whipped cream smeared on the two bedside table lamps. The floor was hit the worst.

Reluctantly I remeber that I have to get up then walk through the bathroom to Ky's dresser, where I had left my phone. I pick it up and blink quickly not wanting to see that on the screen there are 3 messages.
I slide to unlock and see that all three messages are from mom.
"Where are you?"

"Did you forget we have somewhere to be?"

'Why is she freaking out?' I think to myself then realize that it is 2:10, and she told me to be out of the house by 1:00.
Slightly freaking out, I grab my bag and my jacket, then head out the door. When I am close to the bottom of the stairs I jog back up remembering that I should say Bye. I pop my head into Alex's room, and shout. "Bye."

"Wai...." Ky calls.

I stumble down the stairs and out the front door hopping while I try to skillfully slip on my converse without moving, which happens to knock down the umbrella stand causing a large thud. When I get out the door I walk slowly to my house which is 10 blocks away. My slow pace has to do with the fact that I am not looking foward to the reason my mother wanted me out early. Stop at the end of the block to wait for the light to turn green. As I am waiting my phone vibrates in the pocket of my jacket my mother's taunting face pops up on the screen. I roll my eyes, then slide to answer.

'Hello?' I pretend like I am jogging.

'Where the hell are you?' Her loud thick accent almost bursting my eardrum.

'Mom, i'm on my way.'

'Did you forget that you have somewhere to be?'

'No I...'

'We are late!' I hear the annoyance in her voice.

'Im only 5 minutes away. mom.'
I hang up before I hear her complain some more.
When I get to the house, the mini-van in the driveway is running. Immeadiately I know that my mom is already at the steering wheel.
I stumble into the front seat and glance over at my mother's unchanged face.

"Well that took longer than 5 minutes." she nags.

"Nice to see you too mom." I reach over and plant a mushy kiss on her cheek.
She pushes my face away.
"Stop you know I don't like that?" She pushes me off.
She takes one more glance at her phone than changes the gear to reverse.
I pull my seat belt over my shoulder, when I feel small particles hitting me in the back of my neck.
I quickly turn around to a wide smiling Charlie.
"Mi-mi." He greets me. Charlie happens to be my favorite, and the least annoying of the family. He just has a tendency to throw things because I think he likes to see people react to things, which is somewhat admirable, but annoying sometimes.

Before my mother can start to complain, I pull out my skull candies, and blast a Lana Del Rey song. I sing loudly and badly in hopes of getting under her skin, but I would never admit to my reasons.
"I got that summertime summertime sadness oh oo oh a oh." I turn around and sing to Charlie, he just smiles appreciating my attention.
Before I know it, we arrive at our destination. ugh My mom pulls into a multi-level parking garage.
After looking for a spot for some time, she pulls into a parking spot in the underground part of the Garage.
"Bring Charlie?" She doesn't really ask, but more commands as she turns the key shutting off the car.
I sigh while making my way out of the car My mother reaches for her phone to text someone again.
I pull on the handle, the door opens itself automatically.
I unbuckle Charlie from his car seat And then grab his hand allowing him to slide himself out.
My mother comes and takes his hand from me and she starts to walk a little faster, sightly dragging Charlie behind. I walk slowly behind.
My mom suddenly stops, and both her and Charlie look back at me.
"Let's go Mia, we are already late." She glances at her watch. She looks back up at me and gives one of her stern looks causing me to jog slightly to catch up.
Charlie reaches for my hand and I wrap my fingers around his little dainty hand.
We basically jog to the elevator. Mom presses the button for the 9th floor, once we reach the 9th floor the metal doors slide open I feel every beat of my heart in my chest like its about to pop out of my ears. Ugh I hate these appointments. I stumble out while slightly pulling Charlie, forgetting he was there for a moment. Then I pick him up and attach him to my waist, hopping it would comfort me. I gulp.
My mother turns to the directory running her finger down the list although she's been here many times before.
"Dr. Sampson" she mutters. "Ahh here we go." She points to the name. "Suite 912, this way." she motions for me to follow her, making a left towards the small gloomy window.


Heyy guys. I finally wrote this chapter again. Please let me know any thoughts, I need some feedback. Hope you enjoyed it.

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