Chapter 5 If you only knew

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Nelaya's P.O.V

It's Friday and I haven't talked to Tyler since the whole thing with Chris and my boobs. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. The truth was that I missed him more than ever and my heart ached everytime I saw him in the hallways with Payton. These past days I've been helping Chris navigate his way around school. Even though I'm more than sure that he knows his way pretty well now, he still insists that I walk with him..Which I didn't really mind doing. 

"You look nice." Chris comments when I walk up to him. I almost want to laugh when he says this because I litterly threw my clothes on this morning. I knew I looked like a hot mess but  I just thanked him anyway. 

"Hey you never told me about this Tyler guy. What is he? Your ex?" This time I burst out laughing. Yeah Right... 

"Why are you laughing?" Chris asked with a serious face. If only he knew. 

"No. Tyler and I have been best friends since we were little."  I breath out. It hurt saying that. I don't understand why were not talking over something so stupid. After all we've been through together it seemed so petty.

The point is.. I need to get over my stupid fucking crush. I was taking everything personal and I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't be hurt when I see him in the hallway with another girl. He's my bestfriend not my boyfriend. I just needed to tell my heart that. 

Pick of Nelaya----------------------->

Tyler's P.O.V

This week by far has been one of  the worst weeks of my life. 

Nelaya and I haven't talked in what seemed like forever. The truth is that I just need to act like a real best friend and apologize. I tried to before, but I just kept getting so angry when I saw her with that dirt bag Chris. 

I've been driving around town trying to clear my head. Which didn't help much. I ran my hand through my hair and made a turn down Laya's street. Once I'm outside her house I start to get nervous. If anything Nelaya is the person I can be most comfortable and relaxed with so I'm not sure why I hesitate when I'm at her door. Just do it.

Ding Dong.

"One moment!" I hear her yell. There's lots of shuffling and I know it's her cleaning to trying to make the house look presentable. Typical Nelaya.

She swings the door open and looks surprised to see me. She smiles, showing her beautiful dimples.God I missed them. Seeing her here..Without Chris made me feel relieved.

"Tyler.." She says wistfully. God it is so good to hear her sweet voice. Without thinking I stepped up to her and embraced her, lifting her off the ground. I missed her so bad! I missed her smile, her laugh, her scent, her body. I missed her everything.

She seemed to complain after a while. Saying that she couldn't breath but I didn't care I wasn't letting her go anytime soon. 

"TY! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!" she yells in my ear. I give her one last squeeze and then let her go.

She seems out of breath and her face is completely red. Oh, and I missed her blush.

Before she can say anything I interrupt her. 

"Lay.. I'm so sorry. I was  a douche bag and I understand if you hate me. I was so childish. I just know that I missed the hell out of you and would have went ape shit if I hadn't settled things with you." Her lovely pink lips that looked so so kissable turned up in a smile.

"I missed you too." She breathed out biting on her lip making her dimples show again. Holy fuck if only she knew what she did to me. I wanted to kiss her so bad. To make those fantasies real. To taste her lips. To feel her against me. 

But I couldn't.

"Can I come in?" I asked already walking into the very familiar home. It smelled of cigarette smoke and fabreeze. I was about to ask why until I saw Angie, Laya's mom smoking at the dinner table. She had a silver flask next to her that she took a swing from.

"Hey Angie." I say in the friendliest tone I can conjure up. She looked bad. She had on a shirt that was covered in stains and looked as if she hadn't taken a bath in a while. Smelled like it too.

"Tyler..Well isn't this a surprise. Did your mom send you over here to spy on me?" She asked bitterly. I kept having to tell myself to stay cordial because she had already done so much bad to her family after her husband died and deserved a good talking to. But I had to stay in my place.

"No, just came here for Laya." I replied calmly. Nelaya straightened up some things in the Living room and walked up next to me.

"Mom please stop." She said angrily. I knew Laya was more affected by things than me, so it was really easy to get her upset and to hurt her feelings.

"Stop what? All I was doing was asking him a question."  Angie said breathing a puff of smoke out."Your dad talking yet Ty?" she asked with an amused look on her face.

Dammit she knew how I felt about my father. And she didn't ask sincerely she asked because she knew that it would get to me. What has Angie turned into? 

It hurt my heart bad to know that Laya and Natalya had to deal with this constantly. Or at least when she was around.

"What the hell mom! Stop it please.! " Laya pleaded. She looked up at me her gray eyes glassy. 

I clenched down on my jaw hard. Stay in your place. I kept telling myself.

"You know..Y'all really don't know how lucking yall are. At least Dan's still alive.  You still have a dad but Nelaya and Nat don't. You still have a family but we don't! Brenda Still has a gottdamn  husband and I'm a fucking widow! I bet if John was here instead-"

"STOP!" Laya yelled. I could tell in here voice she was now crying. She didn't talk about her dads death much and I knew why. "Mom Just shut up! You're drunk!" She quickly wiped away her tears and ran into her room.

I stood there utterly pissed, I bet steam was even coming from my ears. Angie's words cut me like a knife. But they were true. These were things I thought about often. How my father was the one to survive and Nelaya and her family were left without.

Laya stormed out of the room carrying a duffel bag. "Let's go." She said, her voice breaking.

I stood there for another moment just looking at Angie. "Tyler! Lets go now!" She yelled standing by the door. I shook my head at Angie and followed pursuit.

On the way to my house I was having trouble concentrating on the road. I kept looking over at Nelaya to see if she was alright. And I knew she wasn't. The whole ride she was shaking. I was trying to find ways to sooth her. To make her feel better. But nothing came up. So we sat in silence, with the exception of her sniffing, for what seemed like the longest ride of my life.

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