Chapter 2 continued..

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Hey guys :p I hope you like it!! theres a pic of just about everybody---->


"Happy Birthday!" I sing along with everybody, as Tyler blew out his 18 candles. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to what had happened a few hours prier.  I can't believe I actually let Tyler see me in my bikini! The way he looked at me made my cheeks burn like flames, and I couldn't stay still.

I've known Tyler since we were toddlers. Our dads used to be best friends back in collage, until things changed. But he's always been my crazy, over protective, dangerously hot best friend. Over the years Tyler has stood up for me when people teased and made fun of me about my weight. Ever since we were kids i've had a huge crush on him but have learned not to cross that line. And plus I knew for a fact that he would never go for a girl like me..a fat one. At least not when these super skinny model type  chicks drool over him constantly at school.

"Earth to Nelaya." My friend Carmen says waving her hand in my face. I reluctantly pull my eyes away from him and look at her. Carmen was seriously one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She had dark curly hair like myself, with deep Carmel skin. Oh yeah... She was also skinny.  I look at her blankly and she bursts out laughing. 

"You have got it bad my friend." She said shaking her head repeatedly. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply innocently averting eye contact and looking at the now set sun. I really didn't feel like talking about my feelings for Tyler because nothing was ever going to happen between us. All I do is give my hopes up every single time and I was tired of that.  I look down at my hands and can feel Carmen staring at me.

"Laya stop denying it okay? It's not helping you one bit. You might as well tell him how you feel."  She just didn't get it. I groaned and took a sip of my sprite.

"What? so our friendship can be ruined...? No. I'm just gonna have to get over my stupid feelings and move on." I took another sip of my sprite and looked over at Tyler. He was standing next to his mother, helping her cut pieces of his birthday cake.  

"How do you know he doesn't have feelings for you? I've seen the way he looks at you Laya. And it's not a 'Oh hey yeah that my bestfriend' look. It's like a 'damn she's fucking beautiful look' trust me." I looked up at Carmen like she had ten heads. She made absolutely no sense. Tyler could never have feelings for me..I was fat.. and ugly. 

"You've got to be kidding me Carm. Look at me! I'm hideous..AND i'm short...and fat!" I said picking out the ice in my cup and eating it. Carmen gives me a frustrating look and rolls her eyes.

"Nelaya you know you are not fat! I would say more to love But no ur too damn insecure to except a fucking compliment! You beautiful Nelaya and Tyler does have feelings. It's time you realized it." Carmen says getting out of her chair and walking away. I sat there chewing on my ice. Carmen and I have had this conversation about 100 times and I'm use to her getting upset with me because of my insecurities. It's honestly nothing new. What's new is her saying that Tyler has feelings for me. That is completely impossible...right?

I walk up to Ty and his mom to get my slice of cake, which I knew I didn't need. 

"Hey Nelaya." Brenda, Tyler's mom said smiling widely at me. Brenda was tall and slim with short blond hair. She didn't look a day older than 20 but I knew she was well into her 40's. Brenda and I have grown really close and I look up to her as a second mom. She owned a bakery and the catering service  which I worked at.

"Hey Brenda." I say giving her a half smile. I pick up the smallest slice of cake I can find and start to eat it. An explosion of flavors burst into my mouth and I think I'm in heaven. I suppress a moan, oh god I don't think I am going to be able to stop. I swallow sadly, and already missed the sweet taste in my mouth. "Now Brenda you had to have made that." I say wanting to just take the whole cake home and eat it. See this is your problem. I say to myself, Always wanting to eat. She laughs sweetly.

"I'm guessing you like it?" She asks.

"Delicious. This is a new recipe?" I said taking another fork full. She nods softly.

"Well I need to go find Taylor, I haven't heard from her in a while which we all know is unlike her. Oh, and we have a venue to serve next Saturday. It's a wedding!" She said getting excited.  I smile at her   "You know that weddings are-"  

"Your favorite." Tyler and I say cutting her off at the same time.  I look up at him and give a small smile. Brenda waves us off and goes to look for Taylor. I took another bite of the wonderful mouth watering birthday cake and decided that that's enough...even though there was only a very small piece left. Tyler opens his mouth to say something but is cut of by my stupid ring tone. Natalya's calling.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. I here sniffling in the background and immediately know what is going on. Mike and my sister have an on and off relationship. And my sisters always ends up calling me when they have their little break up.

"Nelaya can you please pick me up?" Nat asked on the other line.

"You know i'm at Ty's birthday. I can't just leave." 

"Pleeeaasse Nelaya. I really don't want to be around Mike right now. I'll explain later." Natalya said beggingly. She always did this! She's always taking advantage of me because she know that I would do anything for her.

"Why don't you ask him to take you home." I said agitated.

"What part of 'I don't want to be around him' don't you get." She said mirroring my agitation. She started crying on the phone and I knew I had to go pick her up.

"Alright, just stop crying. I'll be there in a bit." I hung up the phone. Surprisingly I've been in this situation before. Sometimes i'm at work and she'll call me to pick her up, or when i'm busy with friends like now.

I glance up at Tyler and he looks concerned. "Mike." I say simply and he nods. "Tyler I'm really sorry. But I have to go pick her up."  

He nods again, "I know. It's cool." I swear I see disapointment flash in his eyes but it's gone just as quick as it came. Tyler was good at hiding his emotions, just like myself.

I step on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. "Love you. I'll give you your present tomorrow I promise." "love you too" he murmers back, his face blank.

Later when I got home my mom wasn't there.

Nothing new.

I let Natalya sleep in bed with me, and conforted her like always. There was a pang of jelously I felt for her as she cried in my shoulder. Don't get me wrong i'm honestly jealous of alot of things about her. But while lying there for some stupid reason I wanted to feel what she was feeling. I wanted to feel something. What? I don't know. I just know I wanted to feel something.

I drifted to sleep with Natalya in my arms and Tyler on my mind.


There might be some grammar mistakes in there. I stayed up late writing this and wanted to hurry and post it already.

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