Chapter 18 Spending all my time loving you

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I knocked on the door and was surprised to see Dan. I hadn't really seen him since he was in the hospital, but he looked much better now. Even a little better than he was before then, which said alot because he looked horrible the last time I saw him. He actually looked a little strong, and he had shaved, and looked presentable. 

I knew he wasn't going to say anything to me, so I just smiled back at him.

"Hi Nelaya." He said to me and I swore my jaw hit the ground. 

End Of Recap.

I was completely speechless. A man that was like an uncle to me, who hadn't spoken in a year. 

Just spoke.

To me. 

I tried to form the words, but they just wouldn't come out right. Dan smiled at me and wrapped me in a hug. I was as stiff as a rock and had intentions of hugging him back, but I was too in shock too.

"Come on in. Brenda just made dinner." I followed Dan inside. 

There was a completely new feel in the house. For some reason it felt more welcoming. 

I had so many questions running through my head at this point. When did Dan start talking? Is this why Tyler hasn't answered any of my calls?

"Nelaya!" Taylor yelled from her high chair at the dinner table. 

Just the sight of this girl made me smile, she was just a little ball of joy, even though she really didn't understand the chaos around her. 

"Hey love." I said as I kissed her small cheek. "Hey Brenda."

"Hi darling." She said as she walked over and kissed both my cheeks. "Tyler is in his room. He's been there most of the day. You're probably the only one who can get him out."

I nodded, and headed up stairs. Tyler was probably livid about Dan deciding to talk. 

You'd think he would be happy about this break through, but knowing Tyler and his stubborn ways brought understanding.

Dan choosing not to talk was extremely selfish. He had a family, that suffered for no reason. 

So technically I wasn't the only one who had lost their father.

I knocked on Tyler's door.

"I'm not hungry Mom."

"It's me." I said.

I heard shuffling around and then Tyler finally opened the door.

He was shirtless, in a pair of sweats. I tried to avoid looking down at his abbs, since this was sord of a serious matter. But if you saw his rock hard abbs, you would have as equal a hard time. 

He pulled me into the room with him and slammed the door. 

"Damn what's your problem?" I said sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You probably already know Lay." He said looking back at me.

"Why haven't you answered your phone?"

"It's off." He replied kissing my lips softly. 

"You can't just hide from the world now that your dad is talking."

"He's the most selfish man alive Nelaya. He's a pig who hid away from his responsibilities. So don't talk to me about hiding from the world."

"I'm sorry. But at least show that you're better than that. You could be more mature about this situation."

"If you're going to talk like that Laya you can go back down stairs without me."

I rolled my eyes, Tyler was being incredibly difficult. I understood where he was coming from but at the same time I wanted him to see my side.

Now that he actually has a chance to gain his father back, he needs to take it. Lord knows I would. 

And really it is a shame that Dan chose to live like that for a while, but now things are different.

He's obviously realized what affect he has had on this family, and what he put them through. Talking is probably the best apology he can give.

"How's your mom?"

"Better. I made her one of dad's famous dishes and she ate it. She even smiled at me."

"That's great baby." He said kissing me again.

"Yeah.. but I'm still worried about her."

Tyler leaned down beside me and started kissing my neck.

"Well as long as I'm here." He continued to plant little kisses. "You won't have to worry."

I leaned into his lips and relaxed. I couldn't help but feel some what disappointed.

Maybe Carmen was right. Maybe I did always depend on Tyler, and I spent too much time with him.

I did feel bad that I was possibly neglecting my friends, but I always felt so comfortable and at home when I was with Tyler. 

"C'mon put on a shirt and lets go down stairs." I said moving away from Tyler.

"I'm not going down there with them."

"You're so impossible sometimes."

"I'm not going. Let's just stay in here" He said leaning in to kiss me again.

"No Tyler. Stop. Let's go eat dinner."

"Nelaya I already told you I wasn't going! Damn."

"When you decided to stop acting like a 5th grader call me."

And with that I left their house. I was pissed and really didn't want to ruin the whole family mood Brenda and Dan were sord of having, even though Tyler was being an ass.

I drove for 15 minutes and finally reached my desination. I felt like a bitch for making Carmen feel like I didn't care about her anymore. It was time for me to make it up to her.


Filler in Chapter! Sorry guys, I've been slacking BIG time. & Sorry~ Love you guys~



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