9:24 PM, 4/7/19

7 1 0

Those key words triggered something within me,
Triggered a memory I'd forgotten to see.

I saw past the drunken haze,
Something I'd regret for days.

My words were, "The only time I've ever gotten a headache was when I hit my head on the wall."

And those words made my jaw fall.

It was those words that would make me die a little inside,
Making me want to hide.

That night I don't think I was intoxicated,
But the memory is always complicated.

I had hit the wall trying to move away.

My minds goes blank and I sway,
"Take me," My sleepy body language seems to say,
To which they say, "Okay."

I'll regret it to this day.

And I'll regret it to the next,
And to the one after.

The cycle never ends,
Just continuously begins.

With my lines to say ready,
I was brave and I was steady.

But it was minimal,
So little time you could say it was criminal.

This secret is coming with me to my grave,
There's nothing left to save.


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