5:24 PM, 10/9/18

23 2 0

Five in the afternoon and I already can't wait to sleep.

Five in the afternoon and I've already disappointed myself beyond belief.

Five in the afternoon and I can't even be in my room alone.

Five in the afternoon and I haven't moved.

Five in the afternoon and I feel numb.

Five in the afternoon and I'm thinking of all the reasons in the world it should've worked.

Five in the afternoon and I can't bring myself to even say anything.

Five in the afternoon and I can't even tell someone.

Five in the afternoon and it feels like five hours later.

Five in the afternoon and it feels like forever.

Five in the afternoon and I don't believe I'm still alive, but I'm breathing.

Five in the afternoon and I often wish I was gone.

Five in the afternoon and one day I will be.

Five in the afternoon and please don't cry over me.

Five in the afternoon and...What was the question again?

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