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|Astrid's P.O.V|

"Get away from me! Who are you!"Hiccup shouts at me.

I trembled"H-H-H-Hiccup??? I-I-It's me, Astrid".

He was frightened as he kept backing away"get away from me!"

"Hiccup!"I cried"it's me your girlfriend!".

"I don't even know you! Stay away!"He stammers, getting off of his bed and ends up standing in the corner defensive mode he kept looking around as he was so scared.

"Hiccup!"I gasp, as tears coming down from my face.

"Where Am I!!!".

Suddenly the doctor and the nurses came in right away.

"He's awake?!"the Doctor drops his pen.

"Who are you people!!!"He panicked.

"Calm down Hiccup"Doctor then slowly walks forward.

"Hey let go of me!"I barked at them as I was being kicked out of the room.

Until swiftly Hiccup ran out of his room and sprint out through the hallway.

"Hicccup!!"I yelled, chasing down to him.

What is going on! Why he can't remember me?! Why is he running away from me?! This can't be happening.

"Hiccup!!!"I yelled, sprinting by people as he kept going down the hallway.

"Get away!"He cries, going down the stairs.

"Don't run!"I called out, climbing down as I hurried down until suddenly the security showed up and managed to get to him.

"Hiccup!"I exclaimed, as I walk over but one of the doctors placed a syringe onto his neck.

"What are you doing to him!"I bark.

"We're keeping him stable until we figure it what's going on"the Doc said, as the nurse and security moving him back to his room.

"Hiccup"I sob into words.

|30 Minutes Later|

As I wait for Hiccup's Dad to arrive shortly I'm just so shocked of Hiccup's behaviour, but why he can't remember me. This is horrible, I couldn't control myself right now, so I quickly grab a stress ball to calm down my nerves.

I looked down sadly, my Hiccup can't remember his own girlfriend, this can't be happening right now, this has gotten worse.

As I spot Stoick running form the entrance, quickly bumping into people as he spot me in the corner, he came towards me with disbelief look.

"Where's Hiccup?! Where's my Son!"Stoick said, excitedly with a huge grin.

I then gave him a worried look as he look at me oddly.

"What's going on?"Stoick asked.

|Waiting Room|

Me, Stoick, Gobber, Scott (Snotlout), and his Dad was in the waiting room as we expect to hear from the doctor soon. I've already messaged our friends, I'm sure one of them would like to drop by hopefully.

"Why they can't allow me to see my own son! This is madness!"Stoick walks back and forth in a stomping fashion.

"Ayy! Calm down! I'm sure the Doc will explain clearly"Gobber lay back on the chair.

"He's right you know"Stoick's brother said"if you calm down for a minute I'm sure he'll explain shortly".

"Blahhh!! Now here we are waiting. He's awake! Which means he's good right?!"Stoick asked, furiously.

Forgotten Outcast III (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now