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|Hiccup's P.O.V|

It was just yesterday where I had regained my memory back, Astrid and the doctor told me everything what I went through. I wasn't expecting this until I finally realized who I was, I was just a lost boy and never thought of living my life again.

Whoever what that guy was in my room, it triggered my memories apparently. Like he was studying me immediately, learning my behaviour. Other than that, I should be okay for now that I'm back and fortunately, Astrid has never left by my side, even my dad which he'll show up very soon.

This room is kinda cozy, much bigger than mines to be honest, it has a couch, few chairs, tv, and a bathroom. Square kinda room. And of course a chair right beside me which Astrid currently is watching me to eat my lunch, which I haven't yet and she is very demanding if I do.

"Hiccup"She warns"you. Must. Eat!".

"I'm not hungry!"I protested, as Astrid picks up my spoon and scooping.

"Hiccup you must eat!"She retorts back, holding a spoon full of mash potatoes.

"I said I'm not hungry!"I look away, as I can feel the vibes of Astrid's anger.

"Hiccup you can't starve yourself! again!"She hissed, waving her hand at my view.

"You can't make me!"I said, not looking at her.

"I will force feed you"She warns me.

"Ooohhhh I'm so scared"I mock childishly.

"Don't make me do it"She moves in closer with it.

"I'd like to see you try-"I gulp.

She then immediately forced the spoon in my mouth as I felt the mashing potatoes which I had no choice but to swallow it all.

"Hey! I was kidding!"I choked, wiping off the food on my mouth"Ugh, empty calories".

She rolled her eyes"Hiccup, this so for your own good and yes I'm sorry"grabbing another spoon full giving me the intense look a so sigh heavily as she fed me for the passed twenty minutes now.

I then collapse on the bed and sigh loudly"I hate my life".

"Hiccup"she said, softly.

"Why couldn't you just left me there, I was this close-"

"Hiccup!"She shouts.

I then stood up from my bed and look at Astrid, she looks so sad and worried about me, but then I realize she is over stressed. All because of me.

"I'm sorry Astrid, it's just"I look down and up"I feel bad for you to be worried so much. You look like sh#t".

She rolled her eyes and chuckle"oh shush, I've been stressful lately, especially the classes I have to attend".

My face brightens up a little"You finally in university? Wow, that's awesome".

"It would be, if you enrolled to the program you wanted to go"She said, placing the spoon down.

"I, Astrid. I don't know I should I mean, it's frickin October already"I point at the calendar"Halloween is approaching"

She scoffed"f##k the calendar, you're a frickin genius for crying out loud".

"They won't accept me in"I said, sarcastically.

"I'll make em"She moves closer.

"Astrid.....I always ask this a lot but....why are you helping me? Ever since the start you were there at that forest where I cut my arm"I reminisce.

Forgotten Outcast III (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now