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|Astrid's P.O.V|

"I'm your boyfriend?"He stammers"What is that?".

Oh my gosh this amnesia is tougher than I thought it was, I just need to find a right memory for him to jog out of this stage.

"It means that I'm a girl, you're a boy. And me, you're a boyfriend to me because we've fallen for each other throughout our high school years. Which means-"

"You're my girlfriend?"He interrupts, scratching his head"wait.......I see....a blonde girl.... and...a dog....".

My face was lighten as Hiccup does remember something, thankfully this is working. Slowly that is.

"Oh just images in my head. Ugh. I still don't know where I end up here"He shakes his head and lay back down on his bed"I wonder why, they're just a blur".

I frown knowingly I have to tell him the actually truth why he's here in the first place, that terrible memory which I saw him hung, that is really scary to me.

"I'll tell you, once you regain back of your memory. Amnesia is hard to get rid of. You just needed time to remember these things, just takes time"I explain to him.

"Really? Well if it's helping. Then maybe you can help me out Astrid, after all we're besties eh?"He struggles getting out of bed.

"Woah, don't-"

"I got it-"He then slams on the floor"ouch!".

I jolted and then try to contain my laughter as I cover my mouth"a-are you Okay?!".

"Super. Let me get myself up"He groans, standing up, ruffling his gown"I'm okay!".

I blinked"you sure? That was a hard fall".

"I'm okay"He wince"super okay".

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door, which our heads turn immediately.

"Hey, what's going on in there? You better not be making out or anything"Andrea spoke out.

I rolled my eyes"everything is fine!".

"We're still here you know"Heather mumbled"aren't you gonna let us in!".

"Who's that?"Hiccup asked, pointing at the door.

"Oh, they're our friends Hiccup. Best friends actually. They're people that we hang out a lot-"

"Hang out? Hang out"Hiccup blinked rapidly"wait".

He then touched his neck as he rubs it, feeling a circle around his neck"What's this?? Why do I have it?".

"It's-"I took a deep breath"I can't tell you yet".

"Why not?"He responded.

"Because, it's complicated to explain. I'll promise you that I'll tell you when the time is right, once you get to know everybody of course"I smile at him.

"Okay"He agrees"I hope it isn't that bad".

I flinched a little"trust me, you'll know soon".

I then stood up, and went to the door to let Heather and Andrea in promptly. They then gave my signals if it's okay to talk with Hiccup now, which he comfortable to see visitors.

"So....who are youse?"Hiccup asked, eyeing at the girls from head to toe.

"I'm Heather"Heather introduces herself.

"And I'm Andrea".

"We're your best friends also, apparently"Andrea murmurs, rubbing her back head.

Forgotten Outcast III (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now