I'm Sorry

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|Astrid's P.O.V|

I'm so glad Hiccup is back after the trauma of his head, but I'm still worried that he isn't over with his depression and I'm always on watch of him. Even though he looks fine but I'm just keeping my eyes on him for safety. Other than that, it is middle of October and it's almost study week, which means a break.

Looking down on my notes which I have wrote down and automatically my hand starts drawing Hiccup and me. I slightly blush and then wrote our names on it with a heart in the middle.

"Awwww cute drawing!".

I flinch really quick and look up, seeing Elsa and Anna giving me the look.

"Girls! You're here?!"I close my book immediately"what are you doing here?"pacing my elbow on the book and a hand on my chin.

"Just checking up on our girl that's all!"Anna said, cheerfully sitting across from me.

"Yeah, always wonder what is Astrid doing, and apparently she's doing Hiccstrid drawings"Anna giggles, snagging my note book swiftly.

"H-Hey!"I exclaim"that's not necessary to snoop in my love life! And hey! Don't you dare!".

"What's the matter? Can't handle hiccstrid vibes"Anna teases"I'll ship it forever!"opening up the book.

"Ohhh girls"I blush"t-t-Thanks!".

"Not a problem but hey, how's Hiccup. I heard he's back to normal, or so I thought maybe"Anna said, looking at me with a concern look.

"How is he?"Elsa asked, politely.

I sigh"he's good but I don't think he's over with his. Suicidal moments".

"You don't trust him?"Anna interrupts.

"What?! I uhhh I don't know right now, I'm just worried he might....do it again"I look down"I'm afraid he'll go back to that, after what I'd say that day".

"Hey. Don't be afraid, you need to convince him that he's really loved by all of us"Elsa said.

"I think he needs counselling"Anna suggests.

"Maybe, but I don't know. It's up to Hiccup to decide if he wants to see a counsellor"I shrug"I just want what's best for him".

"We know, and that's okay. Everything will be back to normal Astrid"Elsa says, encouragingly.

I nod my head and lean against the chair as I thought about the future outcomes for Hiccup's life.

|Andrea's P.O.V|

I was walking in the hospital as I was about to visit Hiccup, I'm just really glad he's okay. But part of me still feeling guilt about the past, I won't forget what I have done.

"Miss Hayden?"a man interrupts my thoughts as I look over, whoever called my last name until this man waved at me.

"V-Viggo? Is that you?"I gasp, as I saw him again.

"Yes, it's been awhile"He smiles, offering me a hug which accepted the offer.

"Wow! I can't believe you're still here"I said, sitting down, across.

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