Who am I!

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|Hiccup's P.O.V|

The doctor have told me to spend a little time in the library but I think it's a great idea to overcome my shyness.

"So are they nice?"I asked the nurse.

"Yes, don't worry. Everyone here is friendly, if you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to ask"She smiles and walk away as I proceed in the room and saw bunch of patients with three family members.

From what they told me is that these patients are just here temporarily, and luckily this library is much entertaining then staying in rooms all day. I look over a table where a few are playing board games, but continue my pace around the room.

I look over a man who has a burnt face on his left eye which merely blind it but doesn't look painful for him.

"You play Maces and Talons?"the man asked kindly.

I shook abit as he caught me glancing down at him.

"Uhh kinda, I have amnesia so I'm not certain"I told him.

"Oh nonsense, it'd be fun"He smiles, offering me a seat across from him.

I then gave him an suspicious look but eventually pulling the chair and sat down.

"You finding your ways again I trust?"

I shook"uhh, sort of, I...well technically I get these images in my head. I don't even know who I'am".

"Have no fear, the mind it self will function proper once again. My apologies what's your name?".


"What's yours?"I nod over


|Astrid's P.O.V|

Another day another lecture, enjoying my classes so it will get me much busier. Hiccup is slowly remembering who he is but had not know the actually truth why he is here in the first place.

I then enter his room"Hey Hiccup!".

"Hiccup?"I said again then I realize he isn't in his room, I heard footsteps coming towards this room I look behind and saw one of his nurses.

"Oh! Good afternoon Miss"She smiles sweetly.

"Hi, I was wondering where is Hiccup?"I asked, kindly.

"Oh! He's at the library, his doctor recommended that he should get out of his room for abit"She said,

"Oh thanks"I walk away as I went to the next floor, he must be interacting with other patients here.

"Miss?"The Nurse stop me.

I look over my shoulder"yeah?".

"Have you told him yet?, about why he's here in the first place?"She said, picking up a tray.

"N-No, not yet"I responded quickly.

"Why?"She questioned.

"B-Because! I'm I'm, afraid that he might end up doing it again if he remembers it too well"I stammer, looking down at my hands"I just can't bare to see that again".

"I know it's hard sweetie, but please it's what best for him or is what best for you"She patter my shoulder, walking out of the room and trail off.

Forgotten Outcast III (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now