The Forgotten Outcast

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|Astrid's P.O.V|

"Lisa have you seen Hiccup?! He's not in his room"I said, still waiting for him to come back.

"Really? Did he took his suitcase?"She said, narrowing her eyes at the bed.

"No, he left it, it was half way done pack. I'm getting worried"

"Oh don't worry dear! I'm sure he'll come back"Lisa assures me, leaving the room.

So I decided to wait another fifteen minutes as I text back at Hiccup once again feeling kinda insecure it be honest but Hiccup just try to hung himself I can't just let this go easily.

I should trust him often.

Almost thirty minutes later I decided to go off and contacted Heather and whoever is available to help me out. I got to my car as I safely drove back home to meet up with Heather, Andrea, and Cami.

"Hey Girl! What's the commotion??"Cami asks.

As is form into my house while they follow me inside.

"I can't find Hiccup!"I stammer, pacing back and forth.

"What!"they all said.

"I can't find him! He isn't in his room anymore! The nurse told me he went to a doctors office for abit, so I waited for awhile but he hasn't return. Something is wrong, I can feel it!"I explain the situation as I grab a cookie on the counter.

"Okay okay! We'll figure something out. I'm sure there's a logical explanation why he hasn't return"Heather said, sitting on the stool.

"He literally almost done packing"I rasping, as sit on the stool across from them.

"Oh cookie!"Andrea enthusiastically grab a cookie on the counter and chew it down.

"Look Astrid, in sure he's fine, he got a cellphone I'm sure he's caught up with-"

"The weirdest thing is that the Doctor, said he has not seen him since yesterday"I point out.

"W-w-why didn't you say that in the first place! He's off somewhere!"Heather raise her voice walking around the couch as she cross her arms and staring down at me.

"Eh? You believe?"I said, blowing my bangs out of my face.

She scoffed"ugh! Yes! But first let's jump to conclusions of his whereabouts".

"I agree"Andrea said, grabbing a clipboard.

"Uhh where did you get that?"Cami stutters.

All of us got into my bedroom as I pull out a map of Berk City and other places surrounding Berk.

I then sat on my bed as I put into thoughts of where would Hiccup be.

"Okay, so Hiccup. He disappeared from his room yes?"Heather sits next to me.

"Yes"I rolled my eyes"and no idea where he off to! He didn't even text me!!".

"That's strange, even for Hiccup"Andrea speaks up, doodling on the clipboard"he wouldn't go back to that tree".

"Look I'm sure the hospital got this cover, they can find him even without being discharge"Heather suggests.

Forgotten Outcast III (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now