Chapter ~ Thirteen

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The epilogue

That afternoon at the central park was rather peaceful and jolly as what Finn had speculated not that he was rather fond of it. The sun had started to set yet the park was filled with joy and excitement as children erratically ran and played by their parents' spontaneous idea of having picnic. While some couples laid on the ground happily stared at the forming clouds in the sky.

Finn rather found himself sitting on a bench by the pond feeding some ducks of reluctantly battled for the right to eat the given snack. It was soothing his mind seeing them gather right in front of him considering the situation he was in. Truth be told, he did not want to be in this dire situation, yet this is a rather important business to be taken care of. It's family business and as the saying goes, 'Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind' especially when they are dealing with a 5 months old special baby who could talk 'mama' and 'dada' at such a young age.

The baby was no normal, not abnormal, but special. It was his child after all. Sulking in the moment he was fazed by the beautiful golden showers as the beautiful sunset shimmer through the clouds. "Dada," he turned his heads to see his child's hazel brown orbs staring at his light blue ones. He looked up to see the "babysitter" holding the baby with her right arm below the baby's butt with the left one around his waist as they both stared at the father.

"Hi," Sasha smiled as she slightly blushed at how handsome he looked on how the golden showers falling down behind him and the pond's waters shimmering behind making him look like some of the K Drama she'd been watching.

He gestured the space beside him not bothering to say anything as she sat beside him while laying the baby on her lap allowing it to be mesmerized by the beautiful sunset. Finn stared at the two for a moment. They do look like a family at the moment with the father and mother caressing the baby who can't stop giggling at the brawling flock.

The only problem was that she stared at the sunset unknowingly thinking that the baby's mother was with him all along not just within his heart but within his arms. The one he loves climb on her to caress her nose. The one he cherished their moments together. The one he calls, "mama".

She then noticed his gaze and turned to reply his staring. "Finn?" Sasha questioned who snapped him back to reality, "What's up?"

"I want to talk to you," he stared at the baby who giggled at the duck who won the brawl and claimed its bread prize, "about Nathan's mom."

"Charlotte's back is she?" She slightly frowned by the nod he gave. She did thought about negotiating with him in regards of her taking the child to raise him as her own. She did grew to love the baby like her child and Nathan did loved her as his mother. Sadly, she had to face the reality where Finn and   the child would talk to Nathan's true mom and start their own family leaving her to find someone for her to have a child with since Finn won't be there anymore.

She wouldn't have someone to annoy with nor to convince him to produce a donor for her to have child like Finn.

Finn's a father now and his child's mom is out there somewhere could be looking for them too. It's time for her to move on now. Try to find someone maybe much fun like or maybe much more handsome than him.

"I know who Nathan's mom is," She slightly shifted at his announcement. Slightly uncomfortable yet curious.

Finn looked around and said, "Let's find somewhere less crowded."

After finding a place less crowded, Sasha laid Nathan on the blanket she laid on the grass as the child sat and played with his toys. She was slightly hurt. The moment she laid Nathan it made her realized that it would be the last time she will hold him as Finn would soon take him.

She stood in front of him, "Why would you want to talk to us when you could just go to his mother and talk to her. It's getting dark."

Finn slightly chuckled, "I just so happen to have arrived to talk to the mother." It took moments for her to observe his statement before realizing what he meant. Still, she to be resilient and checked if that was what he meant, "What makes you think if it?"

"Apparently we forgot to check the mothers genes if she matches the baby's with me."

"Finn," She started to tear up, "are you saying, that I'm Nathan's mo-"

"Yes," Finn smiled and slowly went to her and cupped her cheeks. Still tear in her eyes and realized she felt drawn to him as he slowly connected his lips with her's as they sync in rhythm sending a passionate make out.

It slowly got to her. Nathan, the son of  Finn Bálor and Sasha Banks.

It had been two years since the arrival of Nathan and it had been an amazing term of event for Sasha. After the announcement of her motherhood they've decided Nathan's full name, Nathan Steve Devitt. Months later, Finn finally proposed to Sasha after Nathan's 1st birthday and soon got married half a month later.

WWE Mixed Match Challenge

"Goodluck with you and Bayley," Sasha smiled as she stood behind Finn who was busy taping his hands. He turned and smiled at her as he snaked his arms around her waist as she wrapped her own around his neck. He went closer before she stopped him with her fingers.

"No making out with your opponents," She smiled evilly as he replied with a groan, "Don't forget your facing us tonight."

"Then what do you want?" Finn smirked. "How about a little bet," She smiled as Finn's smirk grew wider. The last they made bets with each other, the winner would be in charge of the night where she went on a receiving end of a defeat.

Sasha had no idea that Finn had other things in mind in terms of "In Command". She suffered from his dominant side, yet she still felt satisfied recieving pleasure.


"Winner," she smiled. She knew her husband won't be happy about it, "Sleeps Nathan." Finn groaned slightly before replying, "You're on."


"I thought you were interested in our last wager," Finn chuckled.

"Eh, don't wanna be under the 'Demon's hands."

"But you loved it do you?" Finn smiled evilly. "Yes, but I don't want to have numb legs by the morning," She rolled her eyes. "Oh, I could get rougher than that," Finn smirked seductively, "Want to feel it after sleeping Nathan?"

"I don't see why not," Sasha smiled seductively as Finn's hands slowly went below and squished her behindsa. "Oww, stop it," she rolled her eyes. "There would be so much more of those tonight," Finn smirked once again receiving another eye roll from her.

They kiss for a few seconds and went to the gorilla to start the match.

~The End~


/N~ Yay! This is my second book to be finished and I'm so proud of the outcome thank you for your support guys!

Special mention to: -legitsboss15&Chienne9

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