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It was cold in the theatre, it usually was. Eddie had his pastel pink sweater on to keep him warm. He looked over, past Richie's seat, and over onto Via's. She hadn't brought a sweater. Eddie grinned, almost evilly.

Serves her right, he thought, who doesn't bring a sweater knowing damn right it's winter?

The movie had begun. Eddie fixed his eyes on the big screen. He wasn't really paying attention, he didn't find the movie interesting. Some parts were funny, others sad. He found himself liking the sad parts, Richie the funny parts.

Eddie mostly liked romantic comedies, or just romance movies in general. Richie and Livia? Not so much. So they had not watched a romance film.

Eddie zoned out.

It was only after what seemed like a short amount of time—it really wasn't— That he felt a hand rest atop of his knee.

His eyes moved away from the screen and down to his lower half. Richie's hand was firmly placed on his knee, his index finger softly tapping at the soft skin.

Eddie smiled, liking the warmth of Richie's hand and the ways Richie's hands were so big and his fingers so long..

A couple seconds passed by and Richie's hand was just above eddie's knee. His thumb now rubbing in circles. It stayed like that for a minute or two. Maybe more.

And then Eddie felt Richie's hand move up once more. Only this time, it didn't stop. Richie moved his hand all the way up to Eddie's thigh. His hand just barely under the skirt. He rested it there for a while before gently squeezing Eddie's inner thigh.

The younger boy's eyes widened and he let out a soft, quiet gasp. He looked up at Richie's face, his eyes were fixed on the screen, his hand in between eddies thighs.

Eddie could feel his face grow hot as well as his lower region. He knew Livia was on the other side. And Eddie didn't want to cause a scene. Not now, not here. Not with all these people in the room. He sighed as he scooted away as far as the small seat would allow him. Richie removed his hand instantly.

Eddie noticed the way his brows furrowed into a worried expression, like he had fucked up.

He hadn't. Eddie didn't want to move away, he liked the feeling of richie's rough hands touching him. But eddie wasn't like that.
He was not a toy to be played with.

And if Richie wanted to touch him like that, he could. But only if he was out of a relationship.

It had never occurred to Eddie that Richie might have feelings for him. The amount of affection they shared was normal to them and to all their friends. They would hold hands when they were younger, they'd kiss each others's cheek and hug almost all the time.

Eddie remembers the times were Richie would hold his hand in the school hallways when Henry Bowers would try to approach the small boy.
Richie would protect him.

Eddie zones out yet again. He thinks for a long, long time.
There have been times were Richie has flirted with Eddie before. However, Eddie would be too oblivious to the flirting.

It was innocent things, things like sweet compliments, or small hugs. Sometimes, Richie would even "jokingly" slap Eddie's bum.
Now Eddie didn't think of it as a joke.

But.. what had just happened was different. The sexual tension had gone from zero to a hundred way too quickly.

The day Eddie realized he had feelings for Richie was the day that everything changed for him.

It was around the last month of summer, Eddie had been extremely bored. He grabbed his diary, not to write in it but to read it. He skimmed the pages. The previous pages he had written on, he noticed, were all about.. Richie.

He wrote about how much he missed Richie. that summer, Richie's parents had sent Richie to boot camp as a lesson for poor behavior, poor grades, and for not promoting the 8th grade—he passed nonetheless.

Richie didn't seem mad about the change, he was sad that he wouldn't see his friends that summer but he had made peace with the fact his parents were angry.

So Eddie waited anxiously for summer to end.. he wanted to tell Richie how he felt. He had worked up enough courage that summer.

But then, when Richie came back, there was some sort of.. glow to him. He seemed happy. All the losers noticed and started asking how his summer went, expecting it to have gone awful.

Richie said it wasn't. He explained that during those three months in camp, he had met a girl and the two had hit it off almost immediately.
When the two found out they lived in the same town, their relationship only grew even more. Too much.

And then Eddie never confessed his feelings.

"So what'd you think about the movie?" Richie asked.
Eddie turned to look at him, a dazed expression on his face. "What?"

The movie had ended.

you decide what movie they watched

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you decide what movie they watched

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