Bill hated the rain.
It meant, stay indoors, you'll catch a cold. And in his case, stay indoors
"You'll get even more sick," Sharon told him when he tried to get the mail from the mailbox. Bill sighed, letting go of the doorknob. "I'll make you some hot cocoa." His mom smiled and Bill did so too, even if it wasn't sincere. If there was one thing Bill didn't like, it was solitude. Right now, he was getting a lot of it.He wondered what his friends would be doing. Would Ben be in the library as usual, checking out books and solving old murder mysteries? Would mike still be delivering meat or working the farm? Or what about Beverly? She hated solitude too. Mostly because it meant being with her dad, alone, trapped. Bill felt sick to his stomach. Any chance Beverly got to be with her friends, she took. It was better than being with her father, Bill knew that. If he could, he'd bike to her apartment and rescue her. But what good could a sick prince do?
Beverly wouldn't be out smoking, that's for sure. Stan wouldn't be bird watching by the quarry, but he'd be worrying about the birds. Richie and Eddie, he figured, were probably together. They always were.
"Something smells burnt.. Richie!" stan shrieked as small flames erupted from the stove, "Oops." Richie panicked, "What are you doing, you big idiot?!" Stan turned off the stove and put a lid on the pan, "That should contain it, I think." He turned back and found Richie on the floor, laughing. "Oh! You should've seen your face!" Stan grit his teeth, "Not funny, you could've burned my house down!" Richie was still laughing. Stan smiled, the sound of Richie's laughter softened him, he liked Richie's laugh, though he would never admit it. Richie coughed dramatically and held his stomach, "Sorry Stan the man, it wasn't my intention."
" I know." Stan smiled and held out a hand for Richie to take. Richie grabbed it and got up. Stan felt the warmth of Richie's hands, the roughness too and he blushed. "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." He pulled his hand back once Richie was up and wiped his hand, "Ew." He acted in disgust.Richie rolled his eyes, "So, guess neither of us can cook." Stan couldn't argue with that, "If Eddie were here, he'd make us some delicious italian food, you bet!"
"Yeah, well, he's not here. And if you're so hungry then-" Stan's phone rang and he cursed under his breath as he took it out. "Oh, it's Bill." Richie smiled brightly. Bill Denbrough was like a brother to him. "Hey, Bill." Stan said calmly while glaring at Richie.
"Put him on speaker." Stan did and when Richie heard Bill's voice, he grimaced. "Wow Billy, you sound like my dead nana."
"Thanks, Rich.""How long have you been sick for?" Stan asked, ignoring Richie's comment. "It st-started t-today but it got wuh-wuh-worse." When Bill heard Richie's voice, he was a bit surprised. Sure, he and Stan were close but Eddie and him were closer. Everyone in the losers club knew about Richie and Eddie except for Richie and Eddie.
"My mom's muh-muh-muh-making hot chocolate. You guys wanna c-c-come?" richie nodded, "Fuck yes, I'm starving and Stan almost burned the whole damn house down, can you believe that?"
"What!" Stan scoffed, Bill laughed hoarsely, "That sounds more like you, Richie."Richie huffed and crossed his arms, "No stutter, I see."
"We'll be there Bill, see you in five." Bill said goodbye and Stan hung up, "Well, don't just stand there go get your shoes." Richie saluted him and ran upstairs to get his vans."Hello?" Beverly said from her bathroom. "Hey, Bev."
"Oh god Bill! You sound-""Like Richie's d-dead nana?" He asked with a smile and Beverly laughed, "Yeah, sure. What's up?" Bill thought if asking Beverly to come out in the rain was a good thing considering how strict her dad was but he did so anyways, "Mom's making hot chocolate, wanna come?" Beverly clicked her tongue, "I don't know.. I'll see, I'll call you back later?" Bill nodded, "Okay, w-well you know where my house is if you decide to s-s-show up." Beverly smiled and then said, "Bye billy," before hanging up.