Chapter 9

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Hope's P.O.V

In the hospital room about to go home. My eyes are all puffy and big. I should be leaving with Alexandria right now but im not. I burst into even more tears.

" Im so sorry Hope." Michelle says and hugs me.

"Well, im not pregnant anymore so Im gonna try to go home." I told her.

"Are you sure? You've been gone for a long time." She asks me.

"Yeah, im sure. Can you drop me off at home?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure." Michelle says and we go out to her moms car and drive away from the hospital.


"Thanks for the ride. See you around Michelle. Thanks for everything." I give her a hug and go up to my front door. I knock and my mom answers the door.

" Hope? What are you doing here? And why are you so skinny?" My mom looked puzzled.

" i had my baby mom. It's been 9 months since you kicked me out." I told her.

" well, where's the baby?" My mom looked all around me.

" um..." I started to cry. " She died. I had her a couple of days ago and she died while they were cleaning her off." I started to sob.

" Oh, honey im so sorry. Did you get to hold her?" She asked me.

" Yeah. I did. She was so pretty. Mom, i wanna come home." I looked at her.

" sure. Come on in honey. Go upstairs and get settled back in. I'll make you some food." I walked inside the house and up the stairs towards my room. My stuff was still here. My bed looked like someone was sleeping in it. I put everything away and go downstairs and eat.

"Thanks mom." I hug my mom and go upstairs.

" your welcome honey. Now get some sleep." My mom told me.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I lay down in bed. One question pops into my head before I fall asleep. Where's my stepdad?

Hope WalkinsWhere stories live. Discover now