Chapter 6

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Hope's P.O.V

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I say to Michelle.

"No problem.... Again. I just still can't believe your mom kicked you out. Why did she? " Michelle asked me.

" Uh, well.. Im kinda pregnant and my mom doesent want me right now."

" Wait wait, back up. You're pregnant?" She asked.

God, i just said i was.. I thought to myself.

" Yes, im pregnant and Brent is the father. Okay?" I looked at Michelle and her mouth dropped open.

"But youre only 14. Youre so young. What are you gonna do?"

"I have no idea.. Yet. I told Brent but he hasnt responded to any of my texts or calls." I told her.

It had been a week since I got kicked out. School has been horrible.

Non-stop getting pushed into lockers, being stared at...

Everytime I walk anywhere or into class all I here is...




It sucks fucking ass. Why did I have to go to Brent's house? Why did i do what i did? God, im so stupid.

Hope WalkinsWhere stories live. Discover now