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Last night was still in my head. What would he think of me? Will he still love me?

Thoughts like these circled my head as i stare outside the windows of the car. I sighed.

"You ok?" Nathaniel ask. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh-- yeah, yeah in fine." i say and stared outside enjoying the view.

Half an hour later we arrived in the middle of the forest where to a clearing.

He takes my hand and leads me through the tree's.

We spot an arch made from bricks. "What is this?" i ask.

"It's a gateway." he says with his eye's blackening and his horns growing from his head.

His wings shot right up and opened.

"It only opens when you show your true form." he says stretching.

"You ready?" he ask and i just nod in return.

"Redi ad periculum tuum" he chants and the portal started to open.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into the portal.

"Hold on!" he growls and hugs me to his chest as we flew.

The inside of the portal was all around lights. And the feeling was like a fast train going through a tunnel of lights.

We excited the portal and fell to the sky.

Fear filled my senses as i started to scream. Falling from thousands of feet above the ground is still pretty scary considering i have a flying boyfriend.

A pair of large arms wrap around my waist and lifts me up.

We flew above the clouds and landed on top of a billboard. My dad is gonna be home in three hours.

"Why are we here?" i ask as he let's go of my waist.

"My house is down there." i point out.

"Your not going there or atleast with your body," he says and returned to his human form.

"What?" i say.

"Your going to astral project." he says blankly.

"What even is that?" i say hiding my anger. He lied!

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