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I wake up inside the temple of judgement not knowing why? 'I don't recall doing anything wrong? Why am i here?' I try to move but my arms are heavy and cold, i open my eyes weakly and i was shocked to see that i was in pure golden chains, i try to...

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I wake up inside the temple of judgement not knowing why? 'I don't recall doing anything wrong? Why am i here?' I try to move but my arms are heavy and cold, i open my eyes weakly and i was shocked to see that i was in pure golden chains, i try to break free but it was so heavy and my body was so weak.

I hear faint footsteps coming closer with every step. "it's no use of wasting energy on breaking those chains you know." i hear a familiar voice. It was my brother. I look up upon him "why brother? Why am i here? What could have i possibly done to be here?" i asked with a raspy voice.

"I dont know really,oh yeah! I told them about you know... Things that you do." he said with a smirk.

Things i do? "what on earth are talking about? I didn't do anything!" i exclaimed.

He knelt down in front of me and grabbed my chin "Oh of course you didn't do anything, you're all so perfect, but they don't know that. The harp of angel charmeine was torn apart and they found none other than you're feather at the place where it was shattered. So who do you think done it?" he let go of my chin and stood up "And don't worry they won't kill you,yet!" he said and chuckled.

I bow my head down and close my eyes. "why brother? Why?" i sobbed on the floor chained.

Moments later i grand doors opened and two guards held me up and pulled me as a cloud brought us up the council of high power.

The angel of high power Zacharia spoke "Raphael, angel of healing! You are here by charged of crimes for breaking an angels most prized possession. You're feather was found at the floor where the harp of Angel chearmeine; angel of harmony, was found torn apart. What do you plead?" the council raised brows and stared at me.

" I plead not guilty you're honor, for i did not do such a thing." i say still bound by the two guards.

" lies! How did you're feather end up on the harp?" the angel of higher said with a raised voice.

" My brother framed me, Nathaniel was the one that broke the harp and he pulled a feather from my wings, me and angel chearmeine are as close as can be. I wouldn't do such a thing." i explained.

The look on zacharias face was calm, "I call upon the brother of angel Raphael; Nataniel angel of fire! The accusations of angel Raphael says that you broke the harp and is simply framing you're brother, is this true?" the angel of higher power asked.

"No you're honor, i wouldn't do such a thing. I love my brother dearly and i am stunned that my own brother even accused me" he bursted in tears, but i can see right through his fake tears.

"The council has made a decision! The council does not tolerate execution, so i hereby punish you Raphael to be banned from ever entering heaven. But! You will still have a chance to come back if you help humans. That will be all." Was the last words i heard.

Now falling in the sky i couldn't move, i was frozen from shock, the only home i ever know, the only family i ever know, i lost them all. And it was my brothers fault. Almost near the ground i stretch my wings and flew high and landed in the middle of a forest. Through the trees a faint light poked through, a city, it's bright and busy. I figured i couldn't handle that so i decided to stay in the forest and lay on the ground to stare at the sky.


The next morning came and i was woken up by faint cries of a kitten. I get up and followed the cries, a minute later i find a kitten about 4 days old and it's paws we're crushed, i don't know who or what would do such a thing to something so small and precious.

I lay the weak kitten on a few leaves and touched the broken paw, i focused all my power's on the tips of my fingers, and within a minute the kitten stood up weakly and laid down beside me.

It was nice having a kitty along, i loved the extra company. And i decided to name the little cat 'Knight'. And we'd do everything together even find food, we'll i didn't really need to eat but knight does.


One night i forgot to make a leesh for knight and i took a quick nap. Angels don't really need sleep but i do take naps.

I wake up early in the morning and got up quickly cause i couldn't find my fury friend on sight. I started to worry and stretched my wing's and flew up high the in the dark sky hoping to hear the cry of my kitty. I couldn't hear anything after a few seconds but eventually i heard knight's purr. 'why is he purring?' i questioned. I focused my mind to find him and i sensed he's somewhere in the city with someone else. With no time to waste i blasted off to the location of knight.

I landed near a house that seems quite and i see knight lying down on a couche, i couldn't feel any nearby humans so i made myself in through the window. The house was not huge but was not small either, it was a cozy home and i can see why knight came here.

I took a step and i got knight's attention and lightly stepping towards him i call him "Here buddy, come on, come on buddy!" i say as low as i possibly can. And knight didn't budge. So i took the liberty to get up and walk towards him but every step i took the floor boards creeked.

I grabbed hold of Knight by surprise, and i light suddenly went on and." who's out ther.." a human stepped out of a room and stood silently in shock and as he was about to scream i sprinted towards him and covered his mouth before even a sound could come out.


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