Chapter 1 - "I-I'm so sorry!"

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Lucy's P.O.V

I sit up drenched in sweat, gasping for air.

"Stupid nightmares.." I muttered and look at the digital clock next to me, it reads 5:23 am . I sigh and swing my legs and stood up using my wall for support, I slowly make my way to the bathroom to get in the shower.

I get out the shower and brush my teeth, and blow dry my hair. I make my way out the bathroom and change into a pair of black leggings with a striped t-shirt. Before putting on my t-shirt I trace my finger against my hybrid tattoo that's on my stomach, the only reason people knew who were Hybrids is because of the tattoo the have. I sigh at the memory and continue putting the t-shirt on,  I then grab a cardigan and put on some brown boots. I walk back to my bedside table grabbing my glasses and placing them in my bag along with my phone and headphones.

I head to the kitchen and grab a granola bar, I look at the time, 6:35. I quickly  ate the granola bar and put my headphones on heading out the door, making my way to my first day at Fairy Tail High school. 


I  make my way into school taking my headphones off and heading down random halls looking for the front office, I turn a corner and walk into something hard. "Owchie.." I said rubbing my nose, I look up to see a person. "Hey watch it!" He said, I couldn't help but admire his pink locks, I snap out of my daze when he shakes me, "S-sorry.." I stuttered. "Your new ain't ya." He said and I nod. "Well newbie, what's ya name?" He asked, "Lucy.." I said and he smirks. "Natsu." He pats my head. "The front office is that was, Luce.." He said in my ears which send shivers down my spine, I blush and scramble away..


I look at my timetable and I head to my class room, I hesitantly open the door and everyone looks at me. "You're late." I cold voice said, I gulp "S-sorry I'm new." I respond and she points to a seat, I slowly make my way to a seat and sit down. 'Remember Lucy, No friends..' I say in my mind. And look out the window.


I decided to sit outside and enjoy the weather, I lean against a tree that's in a deserted area and close my eyes. "Hey." I heard a voice, I snap my eyes open and see A small blue haired girl, "Hey, I'm Levy. I'm sitting over there with my friends and we were wondering if you wanted to sit with us." She said pointing to a big group of people, "No thanks." I say bluntly closing my eyes again.

I heard her walk away due to my high senses, I then hear a twig snap and I quickly stood up, I look into the forest of tree's and see a shadow shoot past, I was about to go after it but someone tapped my shoulder, out of instincs I grab the person hand and flip them over my shoulder. I then look and I see that Levy girl from earlier, "I- I'm so sorry!" I shout in panic and help her up. "Hey Levy are you okay!?" Another blue haired girl came holding her friend, "Whats your deal!?" She shouted at me, "I didn't mean to.." I say tears welling up in my eyes, I grab my bag and run off towards the school not looking back.

I skipped the last two periods and hid out in the tree's, I make my way to the school exit when I spot the girls and her friends. One of the girl point at me and they all look at me, I shake my head and walk onwards out the school gates.

While walking through the park, someone suddenly called out to me then I heard multiple footsteps. I slowly turn around and see the girl from earlier, "Listen, I didn't mean to hurt you okay." I said and then the Levy girl hugged me. "Um..." I say awkwardly and she lets go, "Are you okay?" She asked, "Yeah, I am, but I hurt you?" I said confused. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean to." She smiled, I smile back but then remembered 'No friends Lucy..'. "I-I'm sorry I have to go." I said and I walk off.

I open my apartment door and drop my bag on the floor, "Maybe I can have friends..". I shake off the thought "I should go for a run." I said  and change into a a baggy jumper and leggings, I bring a bag with another pair of leggings and a t shirt so I could transform and hae something to change into. 

I walk to the closest woods and put my clothes down, I feel my bones crack as I change into my wolf form,

I walk to the closest woods and put my clothes down, I feel my bones crack as I change into my wolf form,

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This is what she looks like, just without the wings and necklace.

I grab the bag of clothes in my mouth and dash off into the woods watching the tree's zoom by, I smile slightly and slow down the pace.

I then hear people talking, "Hey guys that girl was pretty suspicious." Levy?. I slowly look out the trees, and see the same group chilling by the falls, I smell the air and there is 3 vampires and 3 wolves. I was about to leave when I saw a huge bear sneaking up on the other blue haired girl. I drop my bag of clothes and quickly push the blue haired girl who squealed. I quickly get off the girl and growl at the bear, who snarled back. It lunged at me and scratched me leg, as I dodged. I then let out a powerful bark which sends the bear running, 'Guess it sensed my alpha aura..' I thought, and look up at the group who looked shocked. The werewolves looked at me and looked frightened almost, "That's...The Legendary Wolf!" Levy said shaking, "Wait whats that mark?" That Natsu guy I met earlier said. "THATS A HYBIRD WOLF!" Levy said and they gasped, "That's Impossible they all got killed.." The red haired girl claimed. I got scared and sprinted off ignoring the stinging pain in my wrist, I quickly grabbed my bag full of clothes and ran towards my apartment. I transform into my human form and quickly got changed, I walk towards my apartment and open the door locking it afterwards...

What am I gonna do now....I






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